Knowhow-Now Article

The popularity of hi-tech gadgets is sweeping across the world as a storm and almost everyone is coveting one or more of these great gadgets own. The problem is not all potential buyers of these high tech gadgets are technically proficient and have little or almost nothing about these units except that they want to own one.

This may cause problems for you as a reseller of these gadgets, especially true if you only use the text for your customers. What's worse is that many retailers offer the same prompts they received from suppliers, many of whom come from other countries such as China and probably would be in very poor English.

Result customers would get disillusioned and frustrated to read these texts guides. Many potential customers will have second thoughts about buying from you and will move to other resellers with a better service. And if they buy, and finally figure out that they couldnt make heads or tails with the guiding text you enter you'll end up with a lot of customer complaints posted on your website or product listings and thats bad business.

But hope is not lost that I can share with you some of the most effective ways to increase your sales and avoid customer complaints by well-prepared manual by using video clips and pictures. The following will show you how.

The advantages of video-and photo-based Instruction

Give the customers instructions in plain text just would not cut it. What they need is a guide that even dummies would understand, and you can do this by using images or video. Opposite of what people might think, it's really not that difficult to create videos and graphics guides teaching. All you need is a camera and some creativity to get you on the correct path.

Picture-based teaching guides are more economical to do. Digital cameras are less expensive than their counterparts and the video would be less time for a foto-based guide to do than making a video clip. Aside from that, through innovative presentation software, you can actually make videos with just pictures and text.

But if you really want to wow your customers and create the greatest impact in producing video is the way to go. Not all images can be captured in the image-based presentations and some customers would really want to go down to the smallest detail and each step is absorbed in a video instruction that they could not get just from pictures.

Your video and image-based Manuals

The first thing to consider when making manual is if you want a full video presentation, using only pictures, or use a combination of both. You dont need to buy high-end camcorders or high-resolution cameras for this purpose. Digital cameras more than 3 megapixels would be enough as long as you have adequate lighting when viewing photos or videos here.

Most digital cameras nowadays can take both stills and video so it would be better to have equipment like this. Better yet, use a good camera that you actually sell your site and make sure that viewers of the video or manual will know this fact.

You also need a script before you start taking pictures or videos. Scripts, just like in the movies, is the backbone that sets the flow of the operating instructions should be made. It leads you along the way so you only capture and include all relevant footages and photos for your guides. Scripts will also guide you on what to say during a voice over or dialogue while the videos are made.

You do not need to buy expensive video editing or photo software to complete your manual. Open source applications available online that you can download and use for your purposes. GIMP or GNU Image Manipulation Program and Photoscape are good open source and freely available image editor that you can use. For video editing applications, Open Movie Editor is a good open source video editing software for Linux-based systems, while CineFX (or Jahshaka Reinvented) would be a good choice for Windows-based systems.

Publishing your video and image-based teaching Tutorials

By publishing your picture-based instructions, you should convert it first in a PDF format so customers can download or open from your site or product listing while preventing them from making changes in the material. Just make sure you have complete contact information in the material.

The best way to publish video instructions are to upload them first on a video sharing website YouTube. Video files are large and eat up memory allocations for your website or product list. If up on YouTube, you can just copy the video link or embed the code and use this instead of your website.

The way you present the user manual can play a lot in encouraging potential customers to know more about your high tech products. Using pictures and videos for this purpose will get you to the manual much more effective than plain text, and finally convince potential customers to buy.

The most desirable hi tech gadgets! Visit Chinavasion or paste this link into your browser:

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