Knowhow-Now Article

Heartburn Healed The Natural Way

If you have an uncomfortable feeling of burning in your chest, or painful burning sensation to the throat you may be experiencing the sensation of heartburn. It is a digestive problem that has nothing to do with the heart but is caused by poor eating habits and posture. It is caused by the regurgitation of gastric acid, which causes a burning feeling in the esophagus and chest area.

The best medicine for heartburn is prevention. There are several ways of preventing this uncomfortable feeling. Eat several small meals each day instead of two or three large ones. Stay away from spicy or greasy food because they are known to cause heartburn. Try eating an apple before you eat each meal, which is said to help prevent heartburn problems. Also, do not lie down after you eat a meal. Stay sitting or standing to allow healthy digestion.

Once you have that feeling, how can you get rid of it? There are several excellent home remedies for the burning sensation you feel in your chest. Many of these cures involve items you may already have in your kitchen. Others include ingredients you may need to visit a health food store such as basil, salvia, or chamomile to make a tea to drink.

Easing the sensation of heartburn is a priority when you are having an attack. Fennel seeds are wonderful in many home cures and especially for heartburn victims. The seeds contain an ingredient called Anethole that reduces spasms in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Chew half a teaspoon of Fennel seeds after each meal. They are aromatic and effective.

Drinking a tea made of anise and lavender will help ease heartburn symptoms. It does so by reducing the amount of acid in your stomach. Here is the recipe:

* Boil 2 ½ cups of distilled water
* Mix an equal amount of aniseed and lavender in dish
* Remove a teaspoon of the herbal mixture and add to the boiled water
* Strain this mixture
* The tea should cool for three to five minutes
* Add a teaspoon of honey to naturally sweeten the tea

Drink 8 ounces of this tea in the morning and in the evening for relief from heartburn pain.

Other quick and simple heartburn remedies include drinking cold milk, eating bread, eat cucumbers, and drink carbonated water. You may also eat yogurt, bananas, cooked rice and almonds. Sour cabbage is said to be great for relieving heartburn. Many think they would rather endure heartburn then eat sour cabbage! Eating uncooked almonds will also help ease heartburn pain. Also recommended is drinking a mixture of honey and lemon juice.

Remember, if you suffer from heartburn pain, eat small meals several times a day, stay away from greasy or spicy food and do not lie down after you eat a meal. If heartburn persists, you may need to see your doctor to find out if you have a more serious medical condition.

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