Knowhow-Now Article

Help For Headaches The Natural Way

Headaches are a fact of life. Many suffer from this malady including children. Headaches are a pain felt in several areas or one spot in the head. It can be mild, or be severe. You may have one occasionally or suffer from headaches every day. They are normally caused by trauma to the head, sinusitis, eyestrain, and stress or tension.

Preventing a headache is the best treatment and there are a couple of ways you can do that. If your headache is caused by stress, try to ease the tension you feel. Do some physical exercise, remove yourself from the stressor, or take a break. You may try having a tablespoon of honey with each meal or drinking fresh cabbage juice daily. Beware; drinking cabbage juice may make you gassy!

Many headache home cures are available and many use common ingredients of other home remedies. You probably have many available in your kitchen or bathroom cabinet. Ingredients to keep handy at home include apple cider vinegar, rubbing alcohol, onions, honey and lemon juice. These ingredients are used for cures that are inhaled, smeared on, or swallowed.

Other ingredients can be found in health food stores and include mint and rosemary leaves, willow peel, almond or other natural oils, and lavender leaves. Arrack, another ingredient found in a natural food store and salvia are two other items you may want to pick up while you are shopping.

If you already have a headache, there are many cures you can try at home. Stir one tablespoon of honey in a glass of cold water and drink it. Honey and apple cider vinegar boiled together create a vapor to inhale that will help your headache. Another inhalation therapy is to put five drops of ammonia in half a glass of water. Then inhale the fumes.

Applications to the forehead help ease the pain of headaches. A cotton ball soaked in arrack can be placed on the forehead and left on for 30 minutes while resting in a dark room. A washcloth soaked in water from cooked willow peel can be placed on the forehead, or the mixture can be drunk. Finally, make a paste by squeezing one lemon and one tablespoon of cinnamon. Apply this mixture to the forehead and leave it for half an hour. Apply peeled, raw potato slices to the forehead and leave for half an hour. You may also use peeled cucumbers in the same way.

Common mixtures for drinking will help with your headache. Drink a mixture of one cup of boiled water and one teaspoon of Marjoram. This can be used three times a day. Two cups of peppermint tea is said to be great for curing a headache. If you like coffee, try this home cure. Mix equal amounts of hot coffee with lemon juice and drink it. Salvia tea is good for headaches too.

A Chinese cure includes using mint leaves in pure almond oil. Place the ingredients in a bottle with a cork and shake it well. Keep this in a cool place for three weeks. This mixture can be strained and smeared on the forehead and neck whenever it is needed.

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