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Home Cures For Damaged Hair

Your hair can suffer damage from too much wind, sun, and excessive coloring or perming the hair. Use of electric curling irons, or brushes also play a part in damaged hair. Damaged hair is unsightly and hard to manage. In summer, heat and humidity can damage the follicles and result in split, brittle or frizzy ends.

The most obvious cure for damaged hair is to take care of it before it is damaged. Avoid excessive bleaching, permanents, and other damaging practices. Use a good shampoo and conditioner. The shampoo should be suitable for your hair. There are special shampoos for dry, oily, and colored or permed hair. Protect your hair if you are planning on spending time in the sun or swimming in salty or chlorinated water. Using a bathing cap will spare your hair damage.

Keep your hair trimmed. Cut dead-ends off regularly and see a professional for a good haircut. Try to eliminate blow-drying your hair. Women especially those in a hurry will grab the blow-dryer so they can style quickly. Allow your hair to dry naturally and this will protect it from damage. This will damage hair if done regularly. Curling your hair the old fashioned way with sponge or soft plastic rollers are better for your hair.

There are wonderful home cures for damaged hair. Ingredients used to brighten and repair the hair are eggs, honey, mayonnaise and other essential oils. Some claim that damaged hair can be cured by good eating habits. Foods that can improve your hair quality are fish oils and flaxseed. Flaxseed used on top of popcorn gives it a nutty, buttery flavor and improves hair health.

You can get a hot oil treatment for your hair at a salon but there are wonderful ways to do-it-yourself. Try rubbing two drops of safflower oil in the palm of your hands, then massage into the scalp. Or, use warm almond or olive oil on your hair, wrap with a warm damp towel and leave on the head for thirty minutes. Rinse instead of shampooing after applying the oil treatment.

Here is another recipe for damaged hair treatment. Mix honey and egg, apply it to the hair, and leave on for ten minutes. After those minutes are up, shampoo as normal. Whip egg whites and set aside the yolks. Add water to the yolk and put the mixture in the blender until smooth. Add the whipped whites and apply the mix to clean hair. Massage well then rinse with cold water.

A more extreme treatment is covering the hair with mayonnaise, cover with a shower cap, and then allow it to stay on while you sleep. In the morning you can shampoo as normal. This treatment can be done twice a week if needed. An unusual home cure is called a hair mask. Grind three carrots and add olive oil to the mixture. Refrigerate that for three weeks, strain and use it on your scalp. Mashed avocado and olive oil will work in the same way.

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