Knowhow-Now Article

Home Remedies For Alzheimer's Disease

It is difficult not to know someone today who has been affected by Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is a common type of dementia. This disease affects close to 4.1 million people in the United States alone. It usually afflicts individuals over age 65.

Alzheimer's is a progressive mental deterioration and interferes with the ability to function socially and at work. It affects memory, and the cognitive process. Alzheimer's disease is irreversible. There are many natural remedies that can prevent and in some cases restore mental deterioration.

Forgetfulness is not necessarily Alzheimer's. Forgetfulness is when you forget where you put something or you forget to do something. Alzheimer's is when you forget those individuals you were once close to, you forget their names; you forget whom you live with and even where you live.

There is no known cause of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have discovered that there may be a connection with nutritional deficiencies. Those with Alzheimer's tend to have low levels of vitamin B12 and zinc. B vitamins are important for cognitive functioning. Individuals with Alzheimer's also have low levels of antioxidants vitamin A and E.

Natural remedies include taking 100 to 200 mg of ginkgo biloba extract 3 times a day. Another natural remedy is Chinese herb Qian Ceng that increases memory retention. Taking Valerian root can improve your sleep patterns. Eating a well balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Folate and Vitamin B12 prevents elevated levels of homocysteine, which is a chemical that has been found to increase the risk for Alzheimer's disease and heart disease. Foods that contain folate are asparagus, avocados, bananas, green leafy vegetables, dried beans, and oranges. You can get B12 from oily fish.

Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and do not eat processed foods in order to do your best to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Research is currently being done to see if the herbs balm and sage could be beneficial for treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E can slow down the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Another natural remedy being studied is liquid aged garlic extract (kyolic) as a way to improve the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer’s is such a devastating disease that people are willing to research, and follow the latest study results in order to be up to date on the latest finding regarding prevention and cures for Alzheimer’s. Natural home remedies are productive ways for individuals to feel like they are doing something when modern medicine has failed to make strides in the prevention and cure of Alzheimer’s disease.

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