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Home Treatments For Dry Skin

Are you a victim of dry skin? The skin may become dry on the face, elbows, heels, and many other parts of the body. The result can be cracking, peeling, and irritated skin. It could cause severe inflammation. Dry skin is caused mainly from environmental issues such as winter, summer, too much heat and humidity, or air-conditioning. Strong soaps may also be a reason for dry skin.

Dry skin should be treated to avoid more serious conditions. The first step is all-important; keep your skin hydrated. This means drinking the recommended amount of water every day. Regularly use face cream and body lotion. Use a mild soap with little or no abrasives on your skin. After bathing, moisturize with a good body lotion. If you apply the lotion while your body is still slightly damp it will maximize the lotion by holding in the moisture on your skin.

Eating a healthy diet is important in keeping your skin soft and supple. Drinking fruit juices, including green leafy vegetables in your diet will also help soften skin. Important vitamins are A. B, and E. Include foods rich in those vitamins to help your skin and give you an inner glow.

Once your skin has dried, you have several options to choose from to cure it naturally. Ingredients you can take internally include a glass of warm milk mixed with two teaspoons of almond oil and drink two caps of primrose oil daily. If you blanch lemongrass in water you can drink this to help dry skin. It can be drunk several times throughout the day.

Applications of natural ingredients can be applied right to the skin. You can make a face pack with mashed papaya, avocado, peach, and bananas. Use the mashed fruit to make a facial mask to apply to the face. Allow the treatment to dry and then wash off with warm water. Use a mild lotion or face cream to keep the skin moisturized.

Essential oils such as rose, almond, or olive can be mixed with honey and applied to the face for a refreshing mask that will leave the skin glowing! Straight honey can be applied to the body and washed after it has been on for five minutes. Sesame oil applied after a bath or shower is great for giving your skin extra moisturizer. While talking about baths, be careful you do not spend much time in a bath or take baths too often. Use warm water instead of hot, and use a good bath oil for extra moisture. Bathing in a blend of oatmeal, vanilla extract, and baking soda will moisturize as you bathe. You can stay in this mixture for 30 minutes. Others say a bath in milk and warm water is an excellent home cure for dry skin.

Home cures especially for dry hands include rubbing oatmeal on the hands, washing them, then applying a good hand cream. Glycerin oil works well on both dry hands and dry heels. Baby oil is a good ingredient for extra moisture. If your hands are really dry, apply baby oil, another essential oil, or Vaseline to your hands. Put rubber gloves on them and leave it overnight. Wash thoroughly in the morning and use a good hand cream.

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