Knowhow-Now Article

Importance of securing your assets is known to every business owner. However people use various security measures like security guards and watch dogs but electronic surveillance and security monitoring has shown it effectiveness over the others in recent past. Use of Home security system and access control system is not only limited to providing security but with the use of CCTV (Close Circuit Television) organizations are now saving on Security expenditure also.

If any person visits your premises in office or in business and notices that there is a CCTV system installed then person feels the peace of mind. Not only does it let your employees know that you are concerned for their safety, but customers and visitors recognize it as a deterrent and automatically feel safer than in a business where there are no cameras at all. Most of the people agree with the need of CCTV cameras but there are people demanding the removal of cameras on public places as they feel it a intrusion in their personal life.

Home security systems are not only helpful in preventing any loss of property but incase there is any loss of property CCTV can be used as witness and is very helpful in the detection of thieves. Security monitoring system which fed real time images to TV screen help security people to analyze the real time situation and series of events gone wrong. If they pick up anyone behaving suspiciously they can alert staff on the ground that may be able to prevent a crime. Security systems also provide other behavioral and unique characteristics of criminals which help in police investigation.

I agree Home security systems and Security monitoring can’t stop all the crime but they act like deterrent of crime .Any thieve will feel comfort while going into a non secured area rather then in area installed with CCTV cameras and high level of surveillance. If you have CCTV and security systems installed in your main gate or exit gate, Retail counters and cash deposit place then criminal will not start targeting your premises and they will simply move on.

Access control system prevents any thing in your premises being used by the unauthorized people. Like office entrance gates and other restrict entry premises. Access control systems are now being installed over the briefcases and safe boxes also. Access control system asks for password or for magnetic strips swap or uses RFID technology to grant permit.

Home security system is of two type first is monitored security system and other one is non monitored security system. In monitored security system there is a central security unit sitting at place and keeping there eyes on the place itself. Non monitored security system relies over the alarms and other people who notice that alarm inform local police authorities later on. Normally home security system consist of CCTV, Monitor and Key board but some special and non monitored home security system have following breach indicators – Glass break detectors are used to identify any damage of breakage of glass detectors. In case any person tries to enter in the home by breaking the glass detectors immediately raises alarms. Pressure mats are mats which are normally placed under the rugs and when some one steps over the rugs it raises an alarm to alert the home owner.


Signal security is a Suppliers of affordable Home Security Systems, CCTV, CCTV, Security Systems, Security Systems and commercial grade security solutions.

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