Knowhow-Now Article

How Does The Jenny Craig Diet Work

You’ve either gained a few pounds you want to get rid of or you’ve finally decided that you want to win the war with the weight you’ve battled with all your life. You didn’t know how exactly you were going to do this but maybe you saw some commercials for Jenny Craig. Maybe you heard some people talk about Jenny Crait. You think this diet may be right for you, but you want some answers. Read on, if that is the case.

How does the Jenny Craig diet work?

Tip: If you only practice a single weight loss idea, it should be eating breakfast. Your day should start off with a nourishing breakfast that satisfies you and gives you the energy you need to get going.

Before the answer to the question of “how does the Jenny Craig diet work” can be given, you have to understand a little bit about weight loss. Weight loss itself isn’t as complex and complicated as some people would like you to believe. In fact, weight loss can be summed up in one simple sentence: To lose weight, calories consumed must be less than calories burned per day.

Your body burns a certain amount of calories every day for fuel. Even if your job isn’t physically demanding, your body burns calories. Even if your only form of exercises is using your thumb to change channels, your body burns a certain amount of calories. The problems with weight occur when you consume way more calories than you burn. Obviously, the less physically active you are, the easier it is to go over the limit of how many calories your body actually needs.

Tip: While losing weight involves sacrifice, you do not to have to give up good-tasting foods. Food that was prepared specifically for dieting used to be low-sugar fare that was very tasteless.

Okay, okay, so now you want to know “how does the Jenny Craig diet work?” Well, when you contact Jenny Craig by phone or you visit a Jenny Craig center they ask you a series of questions. Based on your physical activity and eating habits, they will figure out what your daily caloric intake should be. Depending on your answers to the questions they ask, you will be able to eat anywhere from 1200-2400 calories per day.

Your diet plan will be completely personalized from the start. You will then need to buy their pre-packaged foods on a weekly basis. If you have a Jenny Craig center near you then you can go there on a weekly basis. If you don’t, they can mail your food weekly.
The meals you buy are very well balanced. They consist of low fat protein, the right kind of carbs, and healthy fats. Also, for optimum weight loss, you should eat 5 small meals per day, as opposed to 3 large ones. Jenny Craig adhered to this rule, they will want you to eat 5 meals per day.

Tip: Never let yourself get to down when you miss your diet goals. No one is perfect.

What also sets Jenny Craig apart from most other diets is that when you go to your Jenny Craig center to get you food, you’ll also get one-on-one counseling. This will help you to stay motivated and focused. If you don’t live near a Jenny Craig center, you’ll still get one-on-one counseling. You’ll get your support by phone.

Most people gain weight or become obese because they have no time to cook healthy meals. They have to grab what is quick and what is convenient. Most of these types of foods are not good for them. What’s nice about Jenny Craig is that you will have delicious but healthy meals that are just as quick and convenient as the other types of foods.

Tip: Remember to have an exercise program if you're trying to shed weight. Go to the gym if you can find the time and afford it.

Also most people fail diets because they get no support or the diet they try is based on a one size fits all approach. Jenny Craig is different in both regards. You will get one-on one-coaching and a program customized to your needs from the start.

If Jenny Craig sounds right to you, then get started now. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to lose weight, without having to give up quick, convenient, food. Once you start and succeed you’ll easily be able to answer someone else if you hear them ask: “How does the Jenny Craig diet work?”

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