Knowhow-Now Article

How Much Does Green Energy Cost?

In the long run, green energy will save you money; however, many people are anxious about the initial cost of installing a green energy system. Very often consumers are unaware of the tremendous savings available through state and federal grants and tax incentives intended to encourage people to make the switch to green energy. Additionally, people who install wind and solar systems and stay connected to the grid can not only save money on energy, but also earn money by selling energy back to the power grid. In this article you will learn about the initial costs and ensuing savings when you install a green energy system in your home.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems generally cost approximately $10 a watt to install. This means that a 2000 watt system would cost roughly $20,000. Once installed, this sort of system would have an output of between six and ten kilowatt hours of electricity daily. Output would depend in part upon the climate. This sort of system would handle approximately fifty percent of the energy needs of the average American household.

Tip: If you are looking to use green energy technology, it is prudent you think about getting a washing machine that is front loading. Front loaders actually clean your clothes more thoroughly than a top loader and saves a great deal of energy as well.

Separately, a solar water heating system for a four-person family generally costs from $5000 to $7000 for installation. This sort of system has the capability of supplying approximately half the hot water needed by a household of this size.

Buying and installing a small sized wind energy system generally costs between $10,000 and $70,000, which works out to between $4000 to $8000 a kilowatt. Cost is often dependent upon the costs of local permits, the zoning requirements and the expense of interconnecting with local utilities. This sort of system can reduce the average household's utility expenses by about fifty percent, and it is easy for users to earn money by selling extra electricity to the local utility company.

Tip: Use rain barrels or collected rainwater around your house to water plants, or use it for your toilet. This will reduce your water bill significantly and also protect the planet.

We don't hear as much about geothermal heat pumps(GTP)as we do wind and solar energy; however, this is a very reliable and durable method of cooling and heating the home using the steady temperatures of the earth. A three ton GTP unit costs approximately $7500 and reduces cooling and heating expenses as much as fifty percent on a regular, ongoing basis. Units are sturdy and long lasting and require little or no maintenance.

People who invest in green energy often have the opportunity to sell any excess energy the system produces back to the power grid. This is accomplished by net metering. With this system one bi-directional meter keeps track of the electricity both coming from and going to the home's system. When the system produces more energy than the home needs, it automatically goes back to the power grid. Customers who use this sort of system often report receiving a check from the power company instead of a bill.

It's easy to see that between annual savings and potential earnings, converting to some form of green energy is a very smart idea indeed. On top of these incentives, local, state and federal governments are always coming up with new tax breaks, grants and other incentives to encourage citizens to go green. Follow the information presented here and check with your own local and state authorities as well as federal government websites to learn more about green energy and the smart ways it can save and make money for you.

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