Knowhow-Now Article

How To Avoid Weight Gain On Birth Control

Understanding how to avoid weight gain on birth control is one thing that just about any woman who uses certain contraceptives wants to do. There are many forms of chemical contraception that have the potential of gaining weight as one of their side effects. Of course, effective birth control is important so going off of it just to lose weight isn't really a viable option.

The first thing you should do if you have noticed you are putting on weight too quickly is to talk to your doctor. She will be able to see if it’s the contraception causing the problem, or if there is another underlying health issue that needs to be addressed. If it's the contraception, she may decide that a different prescription would be the best thing to get rid of some weight.

One of the causes of weight gain from birth control pills is that they contain estrogen. Estrogen can make you weigh more by causing you to retain water. Therefore, your doctor may be able to prescribe birth control that has lower levels of estrogen, and that should help you to lose some weight. She will also be able to discuss other birth control options if your weight is a concern.

If you like the birth control you are currently using, then there are a few other things you can do to avoid gaining weight.

Tip: Find ways to exercise all day to help lose weight. It's hard for a lot of us to find time to go to the gym, but if you start finding little ways to get in some exercise, it can add up to losing pounds.

Hydration - Even though it seems that the estrogen in some contraceptives can cause you to retain water, it's still important to make sure that you are drinking enough water every day. Your body will only retain so much and then eliminate the rest, but if you try to decrease your water intake then your body will do its best to store every drop it takes in.

Diet - Eating healthier foods that are also low in calories is a great way to lose weight. A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. For example, frozen corn is a better choice than deep-fried and salted corn chips. Try to focus on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, low-fat dairy and healthy fats. Avoid salt, which causes water retention. Be sure to check your prescription to see if there are is any food or drink you should avoid.

Tip: Watch out for light products, remember just because it is low fat does not necessary mean it is low in calories. A lot of light foods contain simple sugars to make up for their loss of taste, this giving them calories.

Exercise - If you dislike the thought of "exercise" then don't exercise. The truth is that you don't have to. However, you do need to be physically active. Think of it as movement. Do things you enjoy, and enlist a friend to do it with you. Something as simple as a walk after dinner or working in the garden will burn off extra calories. Of course the more intense the movement, and the longer it lasts, the more calories you will burn.

As you can see, the question of how to avoid weight gain on birth control has several answers. The main thing is that you now have enough information to take action.

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