Knowhow-Now Article

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Solar Energy Home

One of the smartest decisions you can make as a homeowner is to convert to solar power. Your house uses a lot of energy every month. You can see that by your rising utility bill. Converting to solar may be costly at first, but the long-term benefits are definitely there that makes it worth the wait. If you have just started to convert to solar power, here are some tips that can help you get the most out of it.

Tip: You should know there are two main type of photo-voltaic panels. If you want efficiency, mono-crystalline panels are optimal, while poly-crystalline panels are the cheaper alternative.

Even though your energy source is unlimited, that does not mean that you should stop using energy mindfully. Your solar panels work all day to produce energy for your appliances. The energy that is not used is stored up. So, you still take steps to only use the energy that you need. That means taking precautions to not have the energy go to waste. That means making sure that your house is properly insulated so you do not lose your heat or cool air that your HVAC system produces. If your HVAC has to work overtime to make up for the loss, it just uses up more energy. So, if your were conserving energy before, stick with that habit.

Tip: You should start out taking small steps when implementing solar energy in your home or business. Install some pathway lights.

If your home has single-pane windows, consider updating them to double-pane. Single-pane windows are not energy-efficient. A lot of heat and cool air gets lost through the glass, making your HVAC system work that much harder. Make sure that your windows are properly caulked and sealed around the edges in order to preserve your indoor environment at its optimal temperature.

Tip: Saving the environment can start with cleaner water-heating devices. You have many options, such as tank-free models and solar-powered water tanks for heating your water.

To monitor your power usage at home, consider installing meters on your outlets so you can tell how much energy is used. This will give you an idea of what equipment and appliances at home are the power-hungry ones.

Tip: Some solar panels are not adjustable but you will get better results if you invest in a mount that allows you to change the angle and orientation of your panels. If you need to install panels that are fixed, a compromise will need to be reached in terms of optimal angles for winter and summer.

In order to reduce your dependency on your air conditioner, which sucks up a lot of energy, consider installing an attic fan that is powered by solar energy. An attic fan takes in outside air and circulates it efficiently throughout your house. This is an effective to cool down your house without putting your AC unit on overdrive. It is also a cleaner way to cool down your house because your AC unit uses a cooling agent like freon.

Tip: You can have solar power even in a cloudy or cold locale. Direct sunlight or specific temperatures are not necessary for solar energy to still be of benefit.

Your solar panel system may even make you money. If your system produces more energy than you can use, you can sell back your extra power to the utility company. This is a great type of passive income that you can reap every month. Between that and any energy tax credits that you may qualify for, your solar panels system can be very affordable.

Even though solar power is free, you should still conserve it. You can see that you can benefit from the extra energy. Follow the tips in this article to maximize the benefits from solar power. The more you use it, the more you will realize that solar power is the best answer to our critical energy problem.

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