Knowhow-Now Article

How You Can Go Green With Little Out Of Pocket

There is a huge movement for individuals to go green, and a few years ago, this was a great idea but it was simply too expensive. Today, it doesn't cost all that much to go green, and with government assistance, you could even do so in a major way with little in the way of expenses. This article will toss out some of the ways you can make a huge impact and take advantage of the lower costs and assistance that is available for joining the green movement. There hasn't been a better time to make these changes, so please continue reading for more information.

Energy saver bulbs as well as low wattage bulbs are a way to consume far less energy and actually make a huge dent in your monthly bill. Now obviously if you do not have lights on all the time that amount will be less, but most families use a lot of power on lights that are left on. CFC and LED bulbs cost a bit more than traditional lighting but save more money in their first month than you paid, meaning everything beyond that is money in your pocket and far less energy consumed.

Tip: Do you or your family own a farm? If so, you can rent some property to energy companies for installing wind turbines. You will benefit from the wind turbine's free energy and it will take up minimal space.

Another thing we seldom think about when it comes to consumption is unplugging appliances and electronic equipment when not in use. These items are still consuming power when they are turned off. It is how the remote is able to work; clocks can keep time and other functions requiring minimal power to maintain effectiveness. This isn't a lot of power for each device but when homes have several TV's, PC's, gaming consoles, stereo equipment, etc., it adds up to a few dollars each month of completely unnecessary consumption. Coffee pots and other items with clocks also fall into this category.

Solar panels are a great way to go green and despite their initial costs, the federal, state and local governments offer tax credits and subsidies for making this home improvement. Check with the correct offices to find out how much you will receive by adding solar power to your home. You may find out that a large part of the costs will be recovered through these energy programs, making it a worthwhile upgrade to your home.

Tip: Keep tabs on energy use in your home by purchasing an energy monitor. These devices collect real-time measurements of your electricity usage and estimate what your bill will be.

Insulation is a big factor when it comes to energy consumption. No matter how old your home is, unless you built it yourself and went to the max on insulation, you can be sure the builder only put in the minimum, and the older the house, the less protection you have. Insulation is designed to keep the cold and hot out while keeping the same in when you want them to be. The more heat and cooling that escapes the house, the more your system runs during the respective seasons. Insulation isn't expensive, and you can simply fill the attic with it. You would probably need a pro to fill the exterior walls without tearing them down but it will pay for itself in no time at all.

Following these suggestions will have your household front and center in the green movement. This has become a necessity in today's environmental climate, but it will leave you with a few dollars in your pocket each month and a feeling of satisfaction after contributing to the solution for saving the environment.

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