Knowhow-Now Article

Taekwondo is an ancient sport, which has gained immense popularity over the years. People, as young as 4 and as old as 50, are showing interest in this form of martial art to stay fit and strong.

Numerous taekwondo centres and academies have been burgeoning across the world. The Melbourne taekwondo community also has some of the best taekwondo instructors of the world. Selecting the right taekwondo centre should be a well-thought-out process because you may not realise what you are getting into until it’s too late. The infrastructure, number of instructors, quality of instruction and several other factors have to be considered before enrolling into a taekwondo academy. Your decision regarding your taekwondo centre would have a huge impact on the training’s effects for you or your child, whoever is joining..

Here is a detailed discussion of all the aspects to be considered while choosing a taekwondo centre:

1)    Infrastructure: A good taekwondo academy has to have a sound infrastructure with all the required equipments and facilities for the training.

2)    Attitude: Before joining the taekwondo centre, you should pay it a visit and analyse the attitude of the instructor towards his students and the attitude of students towards the instructor. There are times when the instructor is too harsh on the students, which leads to a fall in self-confidence. On the other hand if the instructor is too lenient with the students, their purpose of enrolling for taekwondo training would fail. The instructor should be motivating and should strike a balance between being tough and friendly.

3)    Location: While deciding about the taekwondo centre, one should be particular about the location of the centre. Find a centre which is in proximity to your home or workplace.
4)    Quality of Instruction: It is important to ascertain before joining the classes who will be your instructor and what is his quality of instruction.

5)    Class timings: This is another important factor to be considered while shortlisting a taekwondo academy. The timings have to match up with your schedule so that you get enough time to rest as well.

6)    Class size and age group: Large number of students in one class leads to lack to knowledge gained. This is so because the instructors are not able to devote sufficient time towards an individual. Moreover, it is wise to join a class where students are from same age group.

7)    Fee: The fee charged by one taekwondo academy may differ drastically from the fee charged by another academy. This varies due to several reasons including the experience of the instructors, equipments and facilities provided and the focus of the instructors (some of them may charge high fee just to garner money from their students).

These are some of the issues to be considered. But there are many more minor details that should also be taken care of while shortlisting your taekwondo academy. One of the taekwondo centre belonging to the Melbourne taekwondo community includes OH’s Taekwondo Centre, which is headed by one of Australia’s most experienced instructors.

Taekwondo is an Olympic level sport to develop self-defence skills in Melbourne martial arts and taekwondo melbourne with taekwondo academy, lessons, TKD,kickboxing,taekwondo centre, A focus on mental and ethical discipline, justice, etiquette, respect, and self-confidence.

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