Knowhow-Now Article

Hypertension And Natural Cures

Doctors often advised patients they had hypertension when their blood pressure went above 140/90. That number has been significantly lowered and the reading for hypertension is now 130/80 and prehypertension is when the blood pressure is 120/80.
Untreated high blood pressure or hypertension can lead to serious medical conditions including stroke, heart disease, and kidney problems.

Hypertension is one of most common disease that afflicts humans. Since the relationship between high blood pressure and serious medical diseases was discovered, the focus has been on prevention. Hypertension can be caused by stress and there are many ways to ease tension and reduce the tension in your body.

The proper diet, moderate exercise, and living a healthy life style can help you prevent hypertension. Adding moderate exercise to your daily routine is one of the more natural ways to reduce blood pressure. If you do not already have an exercise program, consult your doctor before beginning a new routine.

If you already have hypertension symptoms and would like to treat them in a natural way, here are a few ways you can do that. Most of the ingredients found in the natural cures listed in this article are found in a natural food store. Others you may already have in your kitchen.

There are several different tea mixtures you can try to treat your high blood pressure. Tea made from boiled celery leaves or a tea that includes ground olive leaves are recommended to reduce your blood pressure. Fresh vegetables and fruits are other important ingredients to home cures for hypertension. Try squeezing fresh lemon juice over a slice of raw beet and refrigerate it overnight. Eat one slice of beet each day help lower blood pressure. Eating chopped chives in your salad or having a serving of rice every day is recommended for hypertension patients.

Blanched passion fruit, parsley, and Hilba can be boiled and drank several times a day to ease high blood pressure symptoms. Dill leaves can be used this way as well. One of the more unusual natural treatments is to consume two garlic cloves each day.

Eating food low in calories, high in fats, and high in fibers, will help ease high blood pressure symptoms. Many times, patients are not aware they are suffering from hypertension unless they experience symptoms such as blurred vision, unusual fatigue, dizziness, and nausea or headaches. Keeping your diet healthy, reducing salt intake, and staying away from alcoholic drinks help you avoid high blood pressure.

If you are a smoker, the best way to naturally treat your hypertension is to quit. Smoking and alcohol increase your risk for hypertension and the many medical conditions it causes. Hypertension is not a problem that should be taken lightly. If you suspect you have high blood pressure, contact your medical doctor. People at high risk are smokers, drinkers, those under constant stress, and those who lead are inactive. If your blood pressure is still at a low level, you may be able to treat it with home remedies or cures. Try some of the ingredients listed above, but contact your doctor to see if you need something more.

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