Knowhow-Now Article

Identity theft is a rampant, social problem, which requires meticulous investigation to be able to detect it. Identities are very personal thus the need to always keep a close eye over it. If not taken cared of properly, one’s identity, career, financial properties and personal relationships could be ruined. Identity theft protection can be properly initiated by following relevant steps. These can minimize the risk of identity theft.

  • Personal documents such as bank deposit receipts, credit card statements, old documents or any data that hold importance should be properly secured or properly disposed of when not needed anymore. Thieves can go through just about anything and make something out of documents such as these.

  • Protect online privacy by equipping your personal computers security software. Look for secure pages for you to browse through. “Https” in the address bar indicates that your page is surely secure and data isn’t encrypted. Without a secure connection, hackers can eavesdrop on your transaction and get hold of your private data.

  • Phishing is a technique employed by online identity thieves. They go through your emails and online chat applications. Moreover, thieves pretend to represent a company and inform you that you need to respond with your personal information or click on a link.

  • Avoid disclosing your personal information on the internet or even over the phone to anyone. Avoid those who claim to represent a bank, credit card company, charity or other organization.

  • Install a dynamic antivirus program that can detect viruses that can sneak its way into your computer discreetly. To avoid these viruses from entering, be sure to run an anti-virus program and at least one anti-spyware program such as Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware

  • Get your free credit report online and ensure the security of your financial history from thieves. Verify that the information written on the report is correct and check for any suspicious activity, particularly mysterious new accounts that have been opened.

  • Research on ways on how to keep your identity completely under cover and secured. Call your credit card company from time to time to make sure that you aren’t involved in any fraudulent charges.

  • Keep all documents that contain personal data securely stored.

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