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Important Points Of Consideration For Starting Your Container Garden

If you live in a highly urbanized area, an extremely cold climate, or simply do not have much space in your back yard, you might want to consider container gardening as a hobby. Not only does container gardening provide you with fresh herbs, flowers and vegetables, it can be a great creative outlet for those in search of one. If you are considering starting a container garden, there are several points of consideration that you should iron out in the planning stage. This article should give you the information you need to plan and execute a successful container garden in your home.

When you are looking to purchase your containers, you should buy the highest quality you can afford. Cheap containers deteriorate in the sun causing them to break if you move them. Though it may cost more in the beginning, it will almost certainly save you money in the long run to buy high quality containers.

Tip: Consider planting trees that produce attractive fruits in the fall. Fall color is usually associated with foliage, but there are various trees that have beautiful fruit.

The size of your containers should match the size of your plants. Especially in places where space is at a premium, you do not want to have a giant container for small little plants, and conversely, large plants will not survive in small containers. Plan accordingly.

Treat each container as though is was a separate ecosystem. You should group plants together that require the same pH of soil, same watering conditions and same amount of sun light. That way you are not fighting to create different environments within the same container.

Tip: If you need to make compost, store old plants and organic elements in plastic garbage bags. You can do this during the fall once the leaves have been raked.

When you are planting different plants in the same container, you should orient them based on the perspective of the people that will be enjoying your garden. Beginning from the vantage point of the most trafficked area, start with small plants in front and taller plants in the back. This will allow you to see all of the plants in a container.

In hot climates, containers should be light colored. This will avoid creating an extreme environment for your plant's root system. In moderate climates, color is relatively unimportant.

Tip: If mildew is forming on your plants, you should not purchase an expensive chemical. Plain water with a bit of liquid soap and baking soda will do the trick.

In each of your containers, you should start with about four inches of rocks at the bottom of the container to ensure good drainage. The rocks should be about the size of your closed fist or a little smaller.

Once you have grouped plants in containers, you should determine how much water you will give the container and how often you will water. You can make a cheat sheet and tape it to the back of the container, just in case you forget.

Tip: To create a unique English garden, use a variety of plant types and lengths in the same flower bed. Plants that are all at the same height makes a garden bed look flat and uninteresting.

Given the current conditions in the United States, you should probably consider the plants that are drought tolerant. Not only will this conserve water, but if you are away from home or forget to water, your plants won't die.

Container gardens can turn a barren and cramped space into an oasis. Hopefully this article has provided you with the information and motivation you need to start your container garden immediately. Remember, it is always a good idea to keep a journal of your successes and failures to help you in future endeavors. Good luck with your container garden.

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