Knowhow-Now Article

Important Points To Keep In Mind As You Design Your Dream Garden

Gardening is one of the most widely practiced and enjoyed hobbies in the world. Not only does it provide you with a peaceful retreat from the frantic pace of the every day world, it can provide your household with fresh fruits and vegetables and colorful flowers throughout most of the year. For many people, gardening is something that they want to try, but don't want to get started in unless they can have their dream garden. Well, dream gardens can be constructed every day, you just have to learn how to dream. This article provides some tips on things to consider when designing your dream garden to fit your life.

Gardening presents an interesting catch 22. You may dream of a massive orange tree in your garden, but unless your local climate supports the growth of orange trees, you are going to have a difficult time keeping the tree alive. So deciding what plants you want in your garden can't be the first step, understanding what kinds of plants grow best in your area is the first step. Choosing what plants you want in your garden from that list is the next step. If you have a state college near you, you can visit their web page and look for the agricultural department. These web sites typically have wonderful information on the types of plants native to your area and the types of plants to do well in your area. Then all you have to do is chose.

Tip: Mix ammonia with water and spray on snails to kill them. The ammonia won't hurt the fragile plants, and it will later convert to useful nitrogen.

Once you have a list of all the plants that you are going to put in your garden, you can begin placement. The same web sites that have provided you with the list of plants that grow well in your area will also give you information on how big the plants will get and how much room they will need to grow comfortably. Buy some graph paper. This is paper with lots of little grids. Then, using one grid to represent six inches, make a sketch of the area you intent to turn into your garden. On a separate paper, sketch and cut out what the plants you want will look like on this same six inch scale. You can then slide the pieces on your garden sketch in order to visualize what your garden will look like and how many plants you can get into your garden based on the information you have. This is a great tool to try many different configurations with very little effort.

Once you have decided on a design, you can sketch out your irrigation system. The great thing is that by sketching it out to scale, you will know exactly how many feet of pipe, sprinklers, and even the number of plants you need to buy exactly.

Hopefully this article has given you some helpful hints on how to start with the design and creation of your dream garden. Gardening is a great hobby and can bring an entire family together for a single purpose. Good luck with your garden and remember that you can always start slowly and reach your dream eventually, the important part is to just start.

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