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India is truly enigmatic with its mountains dusted with snow and beaches washed with sun around the year; there is a lot to discover in this land of diversity. India tours seem never ending as there are lots of enticing places from software savvy cities to lousy, lovable villages. India has long history and a deep rooted culture that runs into the thinnest veins of the nation. Most common heritage tours India include, Taj Mahal, Khajurao, Ajanta and Ellora caves, Fatehpur and Hampi.

Agra is a famous heritage destination in India. The one thing that attracts tourists like bees to honey is the Taj Mahal that stands tall as fame of eternal beauty. The white dome has an eternal tale of love and is built exquisitely by the Mughal king. Forming the first destination of the Golden triangle route in India, Agra is truly a magical place to visit. Apart from the Taj Mahal there are other attractions like good food and great shopping experience that make the place a truly traveler’s paradise.

Khajurao Temples is another place that beholds the historical past of India in its truest spirits. The temples located in quaint village of Madhya Pradesh are very fascinating and unique as they do not symbolize devotion and religion but are rather full of erotic images that reveal the treasures of passion and lust. Indian architecture, manifesting itself in most magnificent manner in these temples, is a perfect blend of tradition and science. This is elaborately revealed in these temples that contain numerous images of Gods depicting the crudest pleasures of life.

The ghost city is one of the next ideal heritage destinations in India. Located 40 kilometers west of the city of Taj Mahal, Fatehpur houses are some of the most well preserved palaces and forts. Any India Tour is incomplete without a visit to this ghost city that has the famous sandstone palaces, worth a walk at during the twilight hours of the day.

Most heritage tours in India include another fascinating place, acting as repository of Indian architecture and the rich cultural heritage of India – the caves of Ajanta and Ellora. Famous for the cave shrines that are cut out of rocks by using hands, these caves are a must visit.

Any India tour is incomplete without a visit to the old village of Hampi. Hampi is one of the vital heritage destinations in India with its ruins appear like a museum that beholds the Indian history, art, architecture and religion all under one vast open land spread over an area of about 25 square kilometers. Packed with temples, market streets, ancient museums, palaces and fortifications, Hampi is an ideal destination to visit.

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