Knowhow-Now Article

If you're trying to sort the facts from the hype when it comes to fibre optic broadband, one of the most important aspects to consider about this new type of broadband connection is how long it's here to stay. With the dial-up modems of the 1990s being usurped by broadband internet in the last decade, and standard broadband connections now on their way out, what shelf life can be expected for fibre optic connections?

The good news for any businesses concerned about the longevity of fibre optic broadband is that the technology has been certified 'future proof' by industry experts - which means the opportunities for growth and scalability offered by its high capacities are not likely to be exceeded for at least several decades to come. If you're waiting for prices to drop before installing fibre optic broadband, you should also consider the distinct advantages that benefiting from this new technology could have for your business over the competition, and for improving the experiences of everyone involved in your organisation.

Although there is some time to go before fibre optic connections completely replace traditional copper cable broadband to become the industry standard, that doesn't mean its use lies entirely in the future - as many companies and individuals are already reaping the benefits offered by its greater speed, capacity and security. If your business websites have ever experienced slow loading or have crashed due to peaks in traffic, this is an indication that your current broadband service is already not up to the tasks required of it, and these problems will only increase as online content becomes ever more sophisticated in the coming years.

So just how fast is fibre optic broadband? As with standard broadband connections, there can be a discrepancy between the speeds advertised in promotional material and actual speeds experienced by users, but the gap is closing fast as providers offer ever greater speeds each year. While speeds of up to 40 Mb were previously achievable on early fibre broadband installations, this can now exceed 80 Mb in some locations. There are trials currently underway to boost fibre optic broadband speeds in the UK to as high as 300 Mb in the not-too-distant future, demonstrating the growing capabilities of the technology.

Find out if you're eligible to upgrade your business to fibre optic broadband by visiting your broadband provider's website or contacting them to discuss rates and tariffs.

Jesse Wallace writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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