Knowhow-Now Article

Is It Safe? Laser Teeth Whitening

When considering a teeth whitener, it is important to take into account the pros and cons of each type of product. It is also a good idea to talk to the dentist about the different products that are available on the market today to make sure that they are safe to use on the type of teeth that the person has. If the person has some caps or other synthetic materials on their teeth, it will be important to see what the ramifications will be of using a teeth whitening product on those areas of their teeth. There are some people who will do teeth whitening and will find that the synthetic fillers and other cap material does not match the new color of their teeth, and thus have to have those materials replaced. This adds to the cost of a purely cosmetic process that is not necessary to the health of the person's teeth.

New Methods

Tip: To maintain the whiteness of your teeth, schedule regular cleanings with your dentist. Your teeth will be noticeably whiter as a result of cleaning by your dental hygienist.

One of the new methods that is on the market today is laser teeth whitening. This can be a perfect method for those that either do not have the discipline to whiten their teeth each day until they are the color desired or they do not have the time to do that each day. The laser teeth whitening method only takes one dentist visit to obtain a beautiful white smile since the laser helps to intensify the bleaching effect on the teeth. The laser teeth whitening method is done in the dentist's office. The dentist will apply a teeth bleaching gel to the teeth that contains bleaching crystals. The laser is applied during the teeth whitening process to activate the crystals and to help them to penetrate the enamel on the teeth so that they become whiter more quickly.

One of the down sides to the laser teeth whitening is the effects are going to be like night and day and others will immediately know that a procedure has been done to obtain the white teeth. Although some individuals will not mind if others are aware that they use bleach on their teeth, there are other people that will not want others to know it is not the natural look of their teeth. Another down side to the laser teeth whitening is that the cost is the most expensive on the market today. The cost of the procedure is usually over one thousand dollars, depending on the area where the consumer lives and the particular dentist office. This is very expensive compared to the several hundred dollars for the whitening trays and the twenty dollars a box for the over the counter whiteners.

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