Knowhow-Now Article

Learn How To Make Green Energy Work For You

People are finally learning that they can just use up nonrenewable resources willy-nilly without consequence. Fortunately, there are better ways of doing things. While many changes will come on the corporate level, you can push companies in this direction by using your money to vote for green technologies.

Regardless of whether you own a home or business, you know the cost cf electricity is going up. Solar panels are a good investment to reduce your electrical costs. While they were once a liability, technology has improved to the point where the panels are now cost effective. Hire a knowledgeable professional to maximize the benefit of your new investment.

Tip: Wear natural fabrics in the summertime instead of cranking up the air conditioner. Moisture-wicking athletic fabrics pull moisture away from your skin, creating a cooling sensation.

A simpler method to save energy would be to install a programmable thermostat. They regulate the temperature inside your home so you can stay comfortable and save energy as well. A few degrees here and there can make up to a 14 percent impact in your bill.

Another simple method is to only run the dishwasher and washing machine when they are completely full. Newer machines are more efficient overall, and are more than able to handle a full load. Since you will use the same amount of heat and water, you are wasting plenty of resources if you don't. If you must run a small load, make sure you set things appropriately.

Tip: Look at the seal around your oven door to see if heat can escape during cooking. If you have a seal broken in your oven then you could be consuming a lot more energy, up to 50%, so ensure that you don't have a seal broken by checking your oven from time to time.

While the people argue about whether or not microwaved food is healthy, it definitely uses less energy to cook. If you are making a large meal, go ahead and use the oven. If you are still heating up a snack, stick it in the microwave. You can also use it to do simple things like boil water without turning on the stove.

Invest in good window coverings. You want a fabric that looks fantastic and a lining that will keep your climate control where it belongs, inside your home. Keep your curtains closed unless you are actively looking out your windows. If you don't want to pay for professionally designed window coverings, consider learning some basic sewing. Most curtain designs are a simple matter of sewing a few straight lines. Your local fabric store can assist you in picking out and ordering the right fabric.

Tip: If you are in the market for wooden items, try bamboo wood. Bamboo is technically grass but is just as strong as other woods.

Invest in a dehumidifier and a humidifier. Each one in turn will greatly increase the impact of your air conditioning and heat. Your body reacts to both the temperature and humidity together, so altering the humidity will trick you into thinking the temperature has changed. They use less energy, so this use will be a net gain. It is a simple chore to take care of the tank and filters every few days.

The environment in your home is under your control. What you can do will greatly impact how much energy you use. Not only will this positively impact your own usage, but it will have a cumulative positive impact on the environment as well. Once you have taken care of these improvements, use your savings to keep adding more improvements.

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