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Hot dogs are one of those beloved foods people seem to never grow out of and constantly seek as a nostalgic, comforting meal or snack. This makes starting a hot dog cart business a good choice for someone wanting a business with wide appeal and a high chance for success.

Benefits of Owning a Hot Dog Cart Business

•    Owning a hot dog cart business requires little to no education, training or special skill. You need only be able to do some basic cooking, perform simple addition and make change to perform the basic functions of the business.
•    Though it can get lonely running a hot dog cart by yourself, it is not a business that needs more than one person to operate. You will not need to answer to a boss or cooperate with other workers.
•    The mobile nature of the hot dog cart means you can move to the customers rather than waiting for them to find you. You can set up your cart in the same place consistently, move around during the day, or bring your cart to special events.
•    Offering something like hot dogs is sure to create regular customers. This encourages a pleasant relationship which makes working much more fun.
•    There is little risk for food borne illness related to hot dogs as they are sold already cooked. You would only bring them to temperature before selling them. They are under much less scrutiny from health inspectors than other food service opportunities, which presents much less hassle.
•    You can offer other products that complement your "tasty dogs" and set you apart from other street vendors.

Start-up Costs

Starting a new business means being prepared for start-up costs and factoring these into your budget.

•    To start the business you will obviously need a cart. These can be purchased new for around $2,000 or from a retiring hot dog vendor for around $600. You should ensure the cart is in good condition and functioning properly before you purchase it or your investment may be wasted.
•    Being a street vendor in most cities requires special permits and licenses that will have their own fees. These are not high but are necessary for you to start.
•    You will also need a regular business license to legal sell your wares to the public. This registers you as a legitimate business and protects both you and your customers.
•    Of course, you will need product to sell. This includes hot dogs, buns, condiments, drinks, chips and paper goods.
•    Advertising is an important way to build your customer base. This can include newspaper spots, signs and fliers.

Earning Potential

A small business in the food industry can prove highly lucrative if you know the avenues to follow to achieve success which for most would mean creating an alternative revenue stream or a means to increase their annual income.

•    The amount you earn obviously depends on how much you sell. Making sure you park your cart where there is heavy foot traffic ensures good sales.
•    The places where you can set up your cart are nearly limitless. You can go to fairs and festivals, set up on street corners and in parking lots, or walk around parks.
•    To increase your potential for income, you can consider hiring yourself out for special events. Instead of earning on a per-sale basis you would be hired by a client to come to an event and provide hot dogs for attendees.
•    Keeping your prices low and offering high-quality products with good service makes you an appealing option for a quick meal or snack. Finding areas that have large numbers of professional people looking for somewhere to have lunch, or college campuses full of hungry students can bolster your income quickly.

A hot dog cart is truly an entrepreneur's dream. From very little you can create an entirely self-sufficient business that can act as a supplemental income or an independent living. Hot dogs are popular and inexpensive, making them an ideal product for a small business owner.

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