Knowhow-Now Article

Recently released, the Kinect system from Microsoft is an addition to the Xbox 360. Once installed, the Kinects 3D camera and sensor unit takes motion and audio commands and translates them into on screen action. The release of Kinect is seen as a move by Microsoft to tap into some of the motion sensitive success of the Nintendo Wii. The differentiating factor with Kinect however is that the user themselves acts as the controller. This, in theory, allows for more immersion into the game. It is also reflected in the tag line, 'you are the controller'.

The Kinect sensor itself is a relatively large unit, consisting of three cameras which can identify up to 20 points of reference on each of a maximum of two players. The cameras then track your movements by following each of these 20 points of reference.

There is no doubt that this piece of hardware is very impressive. The use of directional mics and different forms of camera to allow this kind of interactivity is incredible in itself but there are certain downsides. In order to map movements properly the unit requires a relatively large room. Most bedrooms will be too small and users may even find that their living room isn't quite the right size or shape to make the most of the system. This is almost certainly a factor to consider before going ahead with a purchase of the system. A second downside is that, as you may expect for a device in its first iteration, there are certain bug issues. It is probably best to get accustomed to the unit getting confused from time to time. Accuracy, as with the Wii, can be an issue and this is likely to put more hardcore gamers off. Still, it probably wasn't aimed at them in the first instance.

The important thing is that Kinect is fun, and it is. It is also exhausting as many of the games require a lot of exaggerated movement to work correctly. What it does do successfully is take the success of the Wii and nudge the game along a little. It will not result in serious gamers giving up their controllers however, and it isn't compelling enough in my opinion to lead to an inevitable move to motion sensitive control, not for the next few years at least.

In summary, Kinect is most certainly a step forward. It will also result in many thousands of happy children come Christmas day. For that purpose, the entertainment of children and families, Microsoft have a winner. What is important however is that two things happen. The number and quality of games for Kinect must increase soon for it to have lasting impact and to not simply be a novelty. Also, with regards to that same point, any improvement to the sensitivity of the sensors would certainly be appreciated. What is for certain is that with the elimination of a controller of any kind places it at a higher standing than the Move from Sony and the Wii from Nintendo, both of which have lost a bit of shine, at least with regards to marketing.

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