Knowhow-Now Article

Minimal Laser Teeth Whitening Side Effects

Many people will claim that laser teeth whitening is the best procedure for instant effects. Laser teeth whitening usually only requires one application of the product used with the laser to obtain very white teeth. The laser's light reacts with the crystals in the solution of bleach gel that is applied to the teeth and makes them sink down into the enamel of the teeth. The enamel is where the yellow and brown stains are found in the teeth so when the laser helps the crystals to penetrate to that level the teeth seem to be instantly whitened. There are very few side effects that have been found with this laser teeth whitening procedure. This is also good news to those who have been considering it and have been afraid of the use of the laser.

Easy Procedure

Tip: Eat fibrous produce. It cleans your teeth naturally and is a healthy snack.

The laser teeth whitening procedure merely takes a scheduled visit to the dentist so that the procedure can be done. The visit will not take more than an hour in most cases from start to finish. The teeth whitening gel is applied to the teeth and then the laser's light is beamed on the teeth as well. The person will have a mouth implement to pull back the lips so that the teeth are exposed to the laser's light for the best effect. Once it is finished, the person will leave the office a little over one thousand dollars poorer but with magnificently white teeth.

Some of the side effects of the laser teeth whitening process are very similar to the side effects from other methods. One laser teeth whitening side effect is that the teeth or gums can become sore for a short time after the procedure is done. This can be an annoying side effect of laser teeth whitening but it will usually fade within the first day of the treatment. Another side effect of the laser teeth whitening is that the person may be allergic to the chemicals that are in the teeth whitening gel that is applied to the teeth. The dentist should check for this sensitivity before the procedure is done so that it is not likely to occur when the procedure is actually done. Another problem, which is not a side effect of laser teeth whitening, but is a down side is that there are about twenty percent of people that cannot be helped by the process. The stains on their teeth are too severe for even this most potent method to work to take out the stains on their teeth.

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