Knowhow-Now Article

My First Home Business

My first food delivery franchise began when I was in grade three. At the tender age of 9 I began my first venture into the road of franchising. It all began one day by accident as I was walking home from school. An elderly lady beckoned to me to come to her door. I was a little reluctant to go at first. I stood there thinking about the cherries that I had previously borrowed from her tree without permission.

"How can I help you", I asked. She kindly requested that I do her a favor. She wanted someone to go across the road to the vacant lot and pick some blackberries for her. She was willing to pay me 50 cents for a small bucket. 50 cents was a lot of money. I gladly obliged her request and thirty minutes later I had 2 shiny quarters to spend as I wished.

Tip: Remember that you can deduct expenses incurred entertaining clients, including things like treating them to dinner during a business meeting. The time that you spend with them is a business expense.

After a cool bottle of pop and a delicious chocolate bar, it suddenly came to me that I could make some good coin picking blackberries and selling them door to door. As fate would have it, my parents owned a business that had cardboard ice buckets that came in two sizes.

So off I started on my new business venture. It soon became apparent that the orders that I was receiving were coming in faster than I could handle. One elderly gentleman who produced homemade wine wanted as many buckets as I could pick. Also, the endless orders from those making jam soon made me realize that I needed help.

Tip: Starting a business that you can work on from home can be enjoyable and challenging at the same time. What will your niche be? This may be a number of things, but you must be sure that you think about this.

That is when my first food delivery franchise began. I recruited a couple of my closest friends and offered them a piece of the action. I would provide the buckets for 10 cents and the rest was theirs to keep. Soon we were delivering blackberries to the entire town. Life was good. The soda pop and candy bars were plentiful. Thus began a profitable career of food deliveries.

My next food delivery franchise was when I became much older and wiser. I was a mature 14 years old with years of franchising experience behind me. I still had my blackberry franchise business going but it was now time to spread my wings. This time however, it was not by accident.

Tip: You could use your skills to give lessons out of the home to bring in some income from home. Lessons from a person versus a school are taken advantage of by those who have rigid schedules.

In our small town we had two medium sized grocery stores. Most of the townsfolk were retired or close to it. As I had built up a large clientele of loyal customers... it seemed natural to utilize their trust in my new venture. Therefore, I approached these fine people and inquired if they would like groceries delivered to their homes. Almost all agreed.

I accumulated a list of their names and went into both of the grocery stores and presented my proposal. Both owners were happy to accommodate me with my new business plan. Once again I became so busy that I had to get friends to help out. So I started another food delivery franchise. I am now 18 years old and I wonder what is next?

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