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Natural Remedies For Burns

You can receive a burn from fire, chemicals, steam, and electricity. It is important to remember to remove the individual from the source of the burn without endangering yourself or others especially in the case of electricity. Assess the skin damage and determine if it is first, second or third degree burns. If it is third degree call for emergency help, keep the individual calm as possible.

Burns are classified by first degree, second degree or third degree burns. If you have a first-degree burn it involves only the top layer of skin, and the affected area of skin is red and painful. Sunburn is a first-degree burn. A second-degree burn goes deeper than just the top layer of skin, is red, extremely painful and involves blisters. Third degree burns are serious, can destroy muscle and other tissues, does not usually involve pain because the nerves are typically burned that would normally report the pain to the brain. The skin is usually white or red and third degree burns can easily become infected. If the skin is not properly cared for a third degree burn may turn the skin yellow or black. In severe cases, skin grafts are needed. It is important not to treat third degree burns but to wait for professional medical personnel in order not to cause further damage.

Herbs and other homeopathic medicines can aid pain and healing of first and second-degree burns. When a burn occurs the first thing you want to do is run it under cool water and then wrap it in a towel that is around ice. Apply fresh aloe vera to provide instant pain relief and to aid in healing the skin under the burn. Aloe vera can help to prevent blisters from forming and may also lessen scarring. To use a fresh aloe plant, break off one dagger-shaped leaf and split it open. Now apply some of the aloe gel oozing out of the leaf directly on the burned skin. Apply aloe vera once or twice a day and cover the area lightly with a sterile gauze or clean cloth to keep dirt and germs out of the area.

You can use colloidal silver, which is a natural antibiotic and disinfectant on a burn in spray form. You can also use a lotion that has vitamin A in it. Take oral vitamin C with bioflavonoids because vitamin C is an antioxidant and is used in collagen formation. Vitamin E is used to prevent scarring.

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