Knowhow-Now Article

Natural Tips For Whiter Teeth

Many people would rather have whiter teeth without going to the dentist. Whether it is because of the money or the inconvenience, they are looking for another way to get a whiter smile. Follow the tips in this article to naturally whiten your teeth without taking a trip to the dentist.

Find out what is causing your teeth to look discolored. Stains and yellowing of the teeth can happen for many reasons. It could be caused by certain things you drink, smoking cigarettes or just not taking care of your teeth correctly. If your teeth are discolored because of smoking or coffee, cut back. If you just have not taken good care of your teeth, find a routine to follow every day so you take better care of them.

Avoid any drinks that could stain your teeth, like tea or coffee. Both of these drinks are known to cause discoloration of the teeth and should be avoided. If you want to drink them, use a straw to keep the drink from touching your teeth. This will help avoid any stains that can be caused by drinking these beverages.

Make a whitening paste out of baking soda and wood ash. This is an effective, natural remedy that has been around for some time. When you brush with this paste, it removes surface stains which can give you whiter teeth almost instantly. Use this paste at least 2 times a week.

Make a strawberry paste by mashing up a strawberry and mixing it with a little bit of baking soda and water. Brush this on your teeth and let it sit for about 10 minutes. You can also use it to simply brush your teeth. Either way, this is a natural remedy that is known to effectively whiten teeth. You should use this method no more than 2 times a week because it can cause damage to your teeth if it is used too often.

Peroxide is a great teeth whitening product. Make a peroxide mouthwash by mixing 1 part peroxide with 2 parts water. Rinse your mouth out for about 60 seconds, then brush your teeth. This will give you results you can see and your teeth will get whiter by using this rinse regularly. You should try to use it at least 3 times a week for the best results.

Eat veggies that are crunchy. Veggies like celery, peppers and carrots are known to help make teeth whiter. These vegetables have a crunchy texture that helps clean your teeth. When you chew them up, it helps keep your teeth clean. They help remove surface stains and also prevents them. The next time you have these veggies in front of you, eat them for whiter teeth.

There are many ways to whiten your teeth naturally and by using ingredients you already have around your home. After reading the article above, you should have a better idea of how to get whiter teeth without having to go to the dentist.

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