Knowhow-Now Article

Oh My Aching Back, Home Cures To Help

Backaches are common problems that afflict millions of people around the world. It sometimes is a symptom of other serious illnesses but usually caused by poor posture, strain, fatigue, or age. Constipation, stomach ulcers, gallstones and high-healed shoes can cause a backache. Pain occurs in the middle of the back and on either side of the spine. A backache can be miserable and affect your quality of life.

Avoid straining the back by practicing proper posture. Do not slouch in your office chair and walk standing up straight. Wear low-heeled shoes if you plan on being on your feet for a longtime. If you smoke, stop smoking, this is said to reduce pain.

Again, our old friend the garlic clove can be used to relieve pain. Rub garlic oil on your back or, have two or three garlic cloves every morning. Garlic is a common ingredient found in many home remedies and is handy to keep in your home. Massage the back with mustard or eucalyptus oil is helpful in reducing back pain.

If your back hurts there are common sense methods for treating the pain. Massage your back with or without essential oils. Take a warm bath, or shower with a pulsating showerhead focused on your back. A warm bath with soothing aromatic oils will help you relax and relieve strain on your back muscles.

A heating pad applied to the back will help reduce strain. You can make a heating pad by placing buckwheat or uncooked long grain rice in a cloth bag and warm it in the microwave. Keep your back loosened by swimming laps daily, doing mild stretching exercises and rocking the pelvis from side to side and front to back. These simple exercises may help reduce back pain.

Home cures that are swallowed may help ease the backache problem. Consuming a portion of fish oil daily is said to help with backache pain. A mixture of cloves, dry ginger powder and black peppercorns mixed in tea and drank twice a day will help with backaches. Another good home cure is a small amount of cinnamon and one teaspoon of honey taken twice daily. Fresh yarrow juice may be drunk during the day to ease pain.

Be sure you are sleeping on a good, firm mattress. If you are waking up with a backache, try sleeping on a firmer mattress, reducing or adding pillows, and sleeping in a different position. Try a relaxing bath, meditation, or quietly reading to relax muscles before you retire. Drink a glass of warm milk, decaffeinated tea, a cup of warm water, this will help your body relax and allow sounder sleep.

Try using a mixture of sweet soda, powdered sonth, mixing with hot water or warm milk and drinking this mixture twice every day. If your backache is caused by an injury, or is not relieved and becomes chronic, see your doctor. A backache can be a symptom of a more serious illness.

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