Knowhow-Now Article

Over The Counter Home Teeth Whitening Methods

Many products available in drugstores and supermarkets claim to contain teeth whitening properties. Not just the home teeth whitening trays created specifically for that purpose, but also teeth whitening toothpastes, mouthwashes and other bleaching agents. In this article, we will examine some of the claims made by these products.

Toothpastes as a Home Teeth Whitening Method

Tip: Always go to your dentist before you start using a teeth whitening product. He might tell you that all you need is a good cleaning to get your teeth whiter.

Many types of toothpaste now claim to whiten teeth. They were formerly known as smokers' toothpastes, but the rise in sales of various home teeth whitening methods over the last 20 years or so have caused the manufacturers to rename them as whitening toothpastes, in order both to cash in on the trend and to expand their sales market to include non-smokers. These whitening toothpastes usually contain hydrogen peroxide which acts as a bleaching agent. They can be effective in removing surface discoloration as a result of stains from certain types of food and drink, as well as tobacco, but there is no evidence that they have any effect on internal discoloration.

The American Dental Association gives its seal of approval to those whitening toothpastes that have been proven effective in both removing surface discoloration and reducing cavities through fluoride. This became an issue in 2001 when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report stating that other ingredients in fluoridated toothpastes, including bleaching agents, could sometimes inhibit the delivery of fluoride to the teeth. Look for the ADA seal of approval when choosing a whitening toothpaste.

Mouthwashes as a Home Teeth Whitening Method

There are also mouthwashes available that are advertised as being able to whiten teeth. They typically contain a bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide, and an abrasive such as sodium hexametaphosphate, also known as glassy sodium, which helps to remove surface stains from the teeth. The American Dental Association does not regard these as an effective home teeth whitening method, as they do not deliver the bleaching agents in sufficient quantities to have any noticeable effect, but they can be effective in treating isolated spots of discoloration caused by fluorosis due to their abrasive qualities.

Whitening Strips as a Home Teeth Whitening Method

One of the most popular home teeth whitening methods is through the whitening strips that are advertised on TV. These act in much the same way as the tray bleaching method. You simply lay them on the teeth and they deliver the bleaching agent directly. Again, the American Dental Association is not impressed, citing worries about increased tooth decay caused by over-bleaching as its main concern.

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