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Personal Development: Overcome Your Flaw

No one is flawless, everyone has one things about them that are not perfect. Jealousy and anger are some pretty common flaws, and there are others as well. What flaws do you want to overcome? You will never be a perfect person, but there are some things you can do to better yourself. When you learn how to deal with the flaws you do have you can be a better you.

Tip: Taking occasional risks, on a small level, can help you lead a happier life! Many people stay in their comfort zones to avoid rejection or failure, so they aren't as happy or fulfilled. Taking risks can lead you to the things you want out of life, which will bring you the most happiness.

One thing you may want to overcome is being selfish. Most people are a bit selfish by nature, but some people take it to the extreme. Yes, you are important, and what you want does matter, but you are not the only person on the Earth. Sometimes it is important to put your wants aside so you can make others happy. Does your husband want to eat at the local Italian restaurant, but you always go to your favorite American diner? Every now and then allow someone else to be the one who gets what they want.

Tip: Determine the things that are vital to you, and be sure to focus on these things. By focusing on your positive priorities and removing your attention from negative events and circumstances that are out of your control, you will be able to cultivate deep inner peace.

Things go wrong. It is just the way it is. You do things wrong, others do things wrong and some things happen based on circumstance. It is important for you to realize that you may be to blame for something negative that has happened. Don't always seek out someone or something to blame for everything that happens in your life. Did you get a speeding ticket? Is it possible that you were driving too fast? Or was it the officer's fault? Take time to look at your flaws before blaming others for your actions.

Tip: If you are trying to manage your depression, eat more foods that are high in complex carbohydrates. If you are not getting enough carbs, you might have a low serotonin level.

Before passing judgement on people or taking action, stop to think about each situation in a different way. Or as some would say, "take a walk in my shoes". Did someone cut you off in traffic? Maybe they were swerving to miss hitting a dog running out in the road. You never know why some people take the actions they do, or why some things happen. Take the time to really think through each situation before you pass judgement or make rash decisions.

Tip: You must understand that a divide exists between where you currently are, and the place you would like to go. This attitude will help you get started on your journey to improve yourself.

Listen to what friends and family members have to say. Do they say you make too many sarcastic remarks? Maybe you think they are joking, but is it possible there is some truth to it? Take some time to consider the things that those you are close to have to say. There might be clues in there as to how you can change your behavior for the better.

Tip: You should be humble in your everyday interactions. Be more alert and observant to everyday learning opportunities, and at the same time, learn to accept what you can't change.

What kind of person are you by nature? Do you like to help people? What is it you enjoy doing? Take a deep look at who you are. This can help you learn more about yourself and learn to do things that really make you happy. When you are genuinely happy, you will be a more pleasant person to be around.

No, you will never be a saint, but you can take a deeper look at who you are and what is going on in your life. When you take the time to acknowledge your flaws it helps you become a better person.

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