Knowhow-Now Article

Pit Bull Terrier Dog Grooming Tips And Advice

Keeping your Pit Bull healthy can be a full-time job. He requires lots of love and attention, routine well check-ups with the veterinarian, teeth cleaning, and training. A big part of your time will be spent on keeping your Pit Bull clean and neatly groomed.
Grooming and cleanliness will not only make your Pit Bull more appealing to the eye, but can help make him healthier. Grooming is also a good way to get extra bonding time in with your Pit Bull, making you have a better dog-owner relationship.

Before you begin, you should purchase some grooming supplies. You will probably need a brush or comb, shampoo, and towels.
Your vet can probably recommend the best grooming tools for your particular Pit Bull.

Don’t expect your Pit Bull to like his grooming routine at first, but if you do it often, he will soon become accustomed to it. Using a wide toothed comb can help make grooming easier. You should start at his head and work your way to his tail, checking for any signs of parasites, unusual skin growths or mats of hair along the way.

Before you finish, you should use a wire brush to help get rid of loose hairs.

When grooming, it is important not to forget about your Pit Bull’s ears. They should be checked at every grooming session for dirt, or any signs of infection or parasites. Your veterinarian should be able to recommend a good ear wash that is safe for your Pit Bull.

Don’t try to clean inside his ear canal, as you may damage his hearing. If you see any signs of infection or parasites, or anything that is concerning, call your veterinarian for an appointment. Ear infections can be very painful and annoying for your Pit Bull.

Keeping your Pit Bulls nails trimmed when help make him more comfortable when he is walking and exercising. Not trimming his nails can lead to painful infections and ingrown nails. You should have your veterinarian teach you how to trim your Pit Bull’s nails so that you won’t clip him. Your Pit Bull’s nail will probably need to be trimmed at least once every two weeks.

Keeping your Pit Bull clean and groomed is important for aesthetic purposes, as well as ensuring his health. Oftentimes, you will spot potentially worrisome problems during your routine grooming session that you might not otherwise know about until they had already became a major health issue. Spotting problems early can help get them treated before they affect your Pit Bull’s health.

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