Knowhow-Now Article

Plan To Cheat And Still Lose Weight

Weight loss isn't easy. If it was, then there wouldn't be such a high percentage of overweight and obese people in the world. Most people occasionally cheat on their diets. This can either help or hurt your efforts to lose weight, depending on how you handle yourself if it happens to you.

Perfection is rare, and there's nothing wrong with you if you cheat. You don't need to feel guilty about cheating, but you do need to be aware of your actions before it spirals out of control. A lot of people have the idea that if they go off plan early in the day, the entire day is blown and they use that as an excuse to go overboard with the next meal. It's important to recognize that one indiscretion does not blow your diet.

Tip: A good way to start losing weight is to start drinking coffee. Coffee can provide a much needed boost to get you going and stick with your workout routine.

Many people plan ahead by saving up calories for snacks or other foods they don't normally eat. They use this 'bank' when they go out with friends or for celebrations at home. This allows them to eat special foods without feeling guilty, and still maintain their calorie deficit for the week. Planned cheats are an easy way to manage an active social life, or prepare for any special occasion without worry.

Several popular diet plans advocate having a cheat meal or even a weekly cheat day. The idea is that you will satisfy your cravings once a week, and stick to your diet plan the rest of the week. This works very well for many dieters, but it can also lead to weight gain when dieters take this idea as an excuse to pig out. Regular cheat meals or days should allow you to eat foods that you normally don't eat, but they should still be portion controlled and not eaten to excess.

Tip: You can still stay on your weight loss diet at a work or family party. Choose fruits and veggies first before filling your plate with other foods.

It's easy to buy a bag of chips and tell yourself that you will only eat a few at a time, and make the bag last all week, Many dieters are unable to restrict themselves to just a few chips, and the bag is empty before they know it. If certain foods tempt you too much, it's better to avoid having them around at all. If you like crunchy snacks, try keeping crisp vegetables, roasted seaweed, or air popped popcorn on hand for when the urge strikes.

Most dieters should also avoid having sweets in the house, such as cookies or ice cream. If you really want ice cream and have planned for it, buy a single serving cup instead of a carton. Forced portion control is essential to many successful dieters. It allows you to enjoy special foods, without the ability to overeat.

Tip: Try not to travel in a car to every place that you visit. More helpful traveling methods for weight loss include bicycling, running and walking.

If you are attending a social gathering and know you will be surrounded by tempting and unhealthy foods, prepare before you leave the house. Eat a salad or other low calorie meal to help fill you up, and drink plenty of water before and during the gathering so you'll feel more full. Carry breath mints with you and try to keep one in your mouth at all times, and you will be less likely to put something else in your mouth. Try to mingle as far away from the buffet table as possible, so you will be less tempted to snack.

Planning for cheats is the best way to stay on your diet and avoid guilt. Think about your snacks, temptations, and obstacles and be aware of your best method of control if it happens to you. There's no reason to let momentary slip-ups affect your weight loss program.

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