Knowhow-Now Article

Are you protected from cyber crooks monitoring your online moves?

Digital identity theft is more prevalent than we all know and the truth is countless victims are unaware that their online personal information has been stolen only after they have discovered that someone has taken over their financial affairs or they face a huge credit loss - only then that the identity theft is discovered. In fact, it keeps rearing its ugly head in numerous shapes and forms.

Consequently, identity thefts are using innovative tactics to leave your identity in trashes, while applying your identity to unfair means to satisfy their motives. There are few preventive measures that can be taken in order to avoid theft. This is also where Identity theft protection services come to your rescue. To protect your personal information privacy from savvy hackers and identity thefts here are few helpful tips, which can very well help you when online as mentioned below:

It is crucial to avoid disclosing your personal information on Facebook as it is an imperative step against id theft protection, as in any sensitive case it may make one’s account vulnerable to security threats. It is better to decline friend requests from unknown senders who may threaten your security and image online. Avoid sharing too personal information on the site and moreover any such sharing may threaten you in case of nearby future. Avoid giving your phone number and address as one can also enjoy all the beneficial factors associated with it without discriminating their privacy.

Protect identity theft online by sharing your pictures to limited group of friends on the site as unlawful usage may eventually lead to unwanted problems or mishaps, so certainly privacy is important. Avoid accepting every application request and think twice before updating any post on the site. If you do so keep in mind to change its setting to sharing with just friends as disclosing any personal story, feeling, update or recent whereabouts to just about anyone strange may call up for any possible mishap.

Avoid sharing embarrassing or lewd photos and pictures as it may affect your career or your future as online negativity may hinder your personal relations with other people and may damage your privacy online. By following these simple steps, you will be taking important measures to safeguard your personal information and privacy rights online.

Keep a regular check for identity theft and get alerts when your online identity is at risk. Know here how can you get identity theft protection in real time so that you can protect your financial privacy against any theft or fraud easily. Sign up now with and protect your privacy instantly.

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