Knowhow-Now Article

Among all the mobile platforms, Android is one such platform which stands out from the crowd. It is a process which can really help you out in business. Android facilitates its user with wide range of features and functionality. It is now the most influencing aspect in the Smart Phone industry. The availability of Android phone is any cell network is also major factor which increases the application development demand.

Here are some of the key factors which are responsible for the increasing demand forAndroid Application Development.

Cost Effective

The first and the foremost reason behind its demand is it’s cost-effective. Android is very cost-effective as compared to other platforms. It is an open source platform, so it doesn’t require licensing fee. It reduces the cost of the application in a drastic manner. With minimum investment, you can get your Android application ready. There are no limitations to it because the royalty is free. So the overall cost will include, development cost and testing devices.


Among all languages, Java is the most reliable and robust language. The basic language used for Android applications is Java and there are lots of Java developers available in market, expert and experienced in this language.

Android SDK

Android offers Software Development Kit (SDK) which is a very useful tool for the Android developers. Ready-made codes are available, through which application can be completed in fast and efficient manner and also facilitates the Android App Developer.

Stability and Security

Use of Java language makes Android highly valuable and reliable. It is completely stable and there are no issues of security. Not only this, the operating system work in a smooth manner.

Distribution Method

After as distribution is concerned, there number of ways to market and distribute you Android application. Other than Google’s Android Market, there are many third party stores available, where you can promote your application. As it is an open market, there are strict rule and regulation which you have to abide with. On that, there are charges for distribution; the application can easily be monetized with advertising

Developer Community

As it is an open source platform, it has huge developer community who are actively working. If the developer faces any problem in the development phase, there is the help available in the back end. He can also raise the issue to the community, and other community members can help in solving the issue.

The community is always there to help and contribute towards development of android application.

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