Knowhow-Now Article

Relieving Diahhrea With Natural Remedies

If you experience an increase in the frequency at which you empty your bowels especially if the movements become looser you may be having diahhrea. There are four conditions that can be confused with diahhrea including incontinence of stool rectal urgency, incomplete evacuation and having a bowel movement immediately after a meal.

True diarrhea is defined as a frequency increase in bowel movement with consistency or looseness of stools. When you have diarrhea you have more bowel movements than you normally do. Typically an abnormal amount of bowel movements would be a number greater than 5 bowel movements in one day.

The consistency of stools when one has diarrhea are liquid or watery and abnormal in shape.

Diarrhea is the body's way to eliminate undesirable substances from the body and may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain, thirst, fever, nausea, and dehydration. Diarrhea and vomiting can cause fluid loss and lead quickly to dehydration, which can be dangerous in very young infants and in the elderly.

There can be many different causes for diahhrea including bacteria in food or water, food allergies, having a virus, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, taking too many laxatives, consumption of large amounts of caffeine and also some medications such as tetracycline, clyndamycin and also penicillin can cause diahhrea.

If you have eaten spoiled food you should take homeopathic Arsenicum to control the bowel discharge without interferring in the elimination of toxins from the body.

Drinking blackberry tea can be helpful in cases of mild diarrhea.

If you are unsure of the cause of diahhrea it is a wise thing to take wild oregano oil because it is an antibacterial, an anti parasitic and an anti viral so no matter what the cause for your diahhrea you've got it covered.

Ginger tea will stop the cramping often associated with diahhrea.

You want to drink lots of fluids when you have diahhrea in order to avoid dehydration. It is good to drink carrot juice or gingerale.

Charcoal is also used to relieve ailments such as indigestion, diarrhea, intestinal bloating, vomiting and nausea. Charcoal helps to detoxify both the liver and the kidneys.

If diahhrea is present in infants or the elderly it is important to improve the condition as soon as possible. Seek medical advice if diahhrea persists to avoid dehydration.

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