Knowhow-Now Article

Relieving Stress With Natural Remedies

Stress is unfortunately a common by-product of modern life. We can experience stress at work, at school, in our relationships, and from peer-pressure. Stress is how our body reacts to physical, emotional, mental or social conditions that are affecting us. The conditions may be good ones or bad ones; they may produce tension or excitement. Stress is usually not avoidable and can be due to social conditions, a change in situations, a special event like a wedding, birth, or job situation, or it can be due to health, childbirth, financial situations, or illness.

Stress can express itself in many ways including showing up as fatigue, headaches, backaches, muscle pain, stiffness in your neck, a loss of appetite, memory loss, low self-esteem, a lower than normal sexual drive, changes in your sleep patterns, and also shallow breathing. Stress can lead to illness such as high blood pressure, skin disorders, cancer, obesity even heart attacks.

It is important to learn how to manage the stress in our lives to prevent illness from stress. There are many natural remedies that can be used to help relieve us from experiencing stress and the consequences of stress.

One natural remedy is to take 1 tsp. of valerian rhizome, 1 tsp. of licorice root, 1 tsp. of Siberian ginseng root, and mix these all together and take 1 tsp. of this mixture by mouth every 3 to 4 hours.

Another natural remedy from India is to use Ashwaganda herb. This herb improves your mental and physical performance, relaxes the brain waves and helps to reduce stress especially in individuals who work long hours, experience anxiety, lowered sexual drive, or those who experience fatigue.

You can take Ginkgo biloba to improve your circulation and to enhance your brain activity.

Licorice will protect you against the damaging effects of stress, increase your energy level and boost your immune system.

Taking the above herbs will also help you to sleep better at night. It is important to get enough sleep when dealing with stress.

It is also important to learn how to think and speak in a positive manner. When individuals put themselves down in thought or speech they can create their own stress.

Make use of aromatherapy by using essential oils in a warm bath and going for a long soak to relax muscles and release tension.

Another great stress reducer is to take time for yourself by doing something you enjoy or by taking a weekend to do something that you have always wanted to do.

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