Knowhow-Now Article

Now that Wi-Fi is so prevalent in the workplace, employees across a range of sectors are using both work issued and personal devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, to work freely within the organisation without the need to be hardwired into the network to transfer information and connect with other users. Wireless networks have led to a more flexible and more productive workforce, but they also pose new security threats to corporate networks. Firstly, it's easy for personal devices to become infected with malware and then transfer that hazardous content onto the network. Secondly, the use of personal devices can put confidential company data at risk. Thirdly, non-encrypted wireless networks can see confidential data intercepted by third parties. Fortunately, organisations can avoid these security risks through the installation and use of secure wireless networks.

Wireless networks that incorporate endpoint software allow employees to work securely and remotely without compromising security or connectivity. These networks use identity and location-aware technologies that are able to ensure that only those allowed access are able to reach the network

Additionally, a multi-service, single-client security system allows organisations to manage the various components of their networks through simplified, zero-touch provisioning. If, for example, an employee's mobile device were to be lost or stolen, it can be located on the network and sophisticated anti-theft protection can prevent confidential data leaks. Implementing a robust secure wireless network, organisations can remotely locate, lock, wipe, backup and even restore devices - minimising the risk of organisations losing confidential, corporate data from lost, stolen or compromised mobile devices and therefore protecting the network.

As you can see, a secure wireless LAN can greatly expand an organisation’s potential by allowing employees to work from any location and use any device. As the "bring-your-own-device" (BYOD) trend continues to spread among today's workforce, organisations are wise to react accordingly. Though working via wireless networks has long been a security concern for many businesses, secure wireless networks offer an effective solution by allowing integrated connectivity and security anywhere within an office environment with a simplified end user experience, clear visibility of mobile users and enforcement of access to network resources based on an individual's identity, as well as their role and location.

Finally, the main benefits for implementing a secure wireless network are; it reduces network management complexity, enables convenient access to the network and securely protects the organisation’s data, traffic and transactions with robust security encryption.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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