Knowhow-Now Article

It's clear that the networking market has shifted towards a cloud model and more and more organisations are reaping the benefits of this new system of computing. However, the cloud model also poses challenges to service providers that must be resolved in order to secure customer confidence in the product. One such challenge is security; an issue at the forefront of the cloud computing debate which many believe has delayed its industry-wide adoption. However, innovations in cloud security and the creation of "clean cloud" architecture represent a clear solution.

Firstly, it's important to identify the security issues that are often associated with cloud computing in order to recognise the importance of the new "clean cloud" infrastructure. Most of the concerns over cloud security surround the involvement of external actors with security-based services and a perceived lack of individual control over the network infrastructure. Many businesses are apprehensive about the shared cloud environment and worry that confidential data will be inadequately encrypted. Application security is another chief area of concern, as an increasing number of security breaches occur through web applications.

Industry innovators have answered these security concerns with a new, "clean cloud" model. The notion of a "clean cloud" is that of a simplified infrastructure which provides end-to-end security. This means that security extends beyond the data centre, covering the entire network and a range of user devices. Within this clean cloud model, employees are easily able to access services in both private and public spheres and data can move from applications to authorised users (and devices) without compromising privacy.

It is the nature of multitenancy architecture to create a shared, virtualised environment. However, clean cloud solutions provide an attack-free multitenant setting which allows multiple clients to benefit from the ease and accessibility of cloud computing. A clean cloud infrastructure also sees the overhaul of application security, as private pipes securely connect applications to their infection-free customer end points.

Organisations that have put off switching to the cloud model for security reasons face being left behind in a market that has become increasingly reliant on personal computing devices, such as mobile smartphones and tablet computers. However, the cloud model has been in great need of a security upgrade in order to convince businesses of its many benefits.

The reassurance that a clean cloud infrastructure provides could play a major role in initiating the widespread adoption of cloud computing. Though cloud security has posed a challenge, clean clouds prove that it is indeed possible to achieve a fully-protected cloud environment.

Sean Burke writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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