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Seniors Can Help Save The Earth With Simple Green Energy Tips

Green energy projects and practices are great for senior citizens for a number of reasons. Firstly, just as with any other group of people, when seniors adopt green energy practices, they make a positive impact on the health of the planet earth. Additionally, learning about green technology and actively practicing green habits can give seniors a renewed sense of purpose and provide interesting and worthwhile activities. On top of that, green living is often a more efficient and easier way of life that seniors enjoy and appreciate. Read on to learn about some great green energy tips that are easy for seniors to follow.

Many seniors are very concerned about being chilled. This is especially true at shower and bath time. If you find yourself running the water longer to warm up and keeping your water heaters turned up very high to be certain the water is warm enough, you are probably using excessive energy and water. Both water and energy can be saved by lowering the temperature of the water heater and purchasing an insulated water heater cover to make the unit more efficient. Organizing toiletries and grooming aids before turning on the water will help reduce the amount of time spent in the shower. All this adds up to less water and less energy used.

Tip: Ensure that you turn off any lights that you are not using. For instance, keep your usage of lights only to night time, and make it a priority to turn them off before exiting the room.

Seniors on a tight budget are always looking for ways to save money. For this reason, they may pass over modern LED and fluorescent light bulbs in favor of cheaper, old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs. The fact of the matter is, these cheap bulbs end up costing lots of money. Many seniors who have changed over to these modern bulbs report saving $60 or more on annual electrical expenses. Additionally, these bulbs last longer than incandescent bulbs, so you don't have to buy them as often. Adding dimmers to lamps and overhead lights and remembering to turn the lights off when not in use is another simple, green energy tip for seniors.

Remember that it's a good idea to turn off not only lights, but also computers, TVs and other appliances when not in use. One good way to save money consistently by turning appliances off is to observe Earth Hour every day. Just turn everything off for an hour at some point during the day. This makes a great time to take a nap or go for a little stroll.

Tip: A straw bale house creates a great option for green consumers. Straw bales are an excellent insulator and do not cost very much.

Opening the window is a great green energy tip for seniors! When the weather is nice outside, open the windows and let the fresh air in. This will help save you money on heating and cooling and give you better indoor air quality. Be sure to do this any time toxins are present. For example, if you have just had your home painted or gotten new furnishings, drapes and/or carpets, it's a good idea to let your home air out frequently until the new smell has dissipated. This can have a significant positive effect on your overall health.

To sweeten the air, stay away from chemical filled plug-in fresheners. These waste energy and can cause health problems. Stay away from these toxic chemical air fresheners and try cultivating your green thumb by raising houseplants or a windowsill herb garden to freshen the air and brighten your day. You can also simmer a tea of aromatic herbs to scent and humidify the air in your home. While this solution does use energy, at least it has the advantage of being good for you rather than bad for you.

Tip: You might want to consider installing automatic light sensors that include motion detection in the rooms that have the most traffic. These sensors turn off automatically when people aren't in the room, which saves you money.

Avoid wasting excessive energy on vacuuming and cleaning your home by keeping dust, dirt and pollen outside to begin with. Place good doormats outside your doors and have people wipe their feet and/or remove shoes before entering. Have good screens on your windows and doors to keep bugs out, and place HEPA filters in air conditioning units to filter out pollen and contaminants. Taking steps to avoid allowing dust and dirt in the home will save you personal energy and electricity needed to perform cleaning tasks.

Many seniors experience a sense of loss and lack of purpose in their golden years. It does not have to be this way. Adopt the earth and learn all you can about green energy and green lifestyle practices so that you can join in the important task of preserving our planet earth.

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