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Significant Ways Personal Development Transformed My Lifestyle

It was after I had fallen out of my long-term relationship that I started becoming very depressed. I no longer wanted eat, participate in any activity that involved others, and always wanted to stay at home by myself. It was an ugly sensation, and a sense of overwhelming that was hard to describe to anyone else that was interested in knowing the pain I was suffering. After nearly 6 months of feeling totally empty, I finally set off on a personal development adventure where I knew I could transform myself.

Tip: Usually what brings your happy mood down is stress. Stress in the mind hurts us both mentally and physically across our body.

While my parents wanted me to rush right out to a doctor to have a diagnosis, I knew that I was depressed. I had the classic symptoms of not wanting to eat, drink, or go outdoors. I could not sleep at night, and was totally focused on my problem, which was just a feeling of depression.

Visualizing a Better Life

Tip: Your core principles are important, and your actions should reflect them. Everyone has certain beliefs that reinforce their sense of self at the core.

My initial first step in changing the way I was behaving was to begin visualizing a better life. I knew that at one point in my life I was happy in a relationship, and knew that I could be again. In my visualization, I saw myself happy alone, enjoying life without another person to rely on. I knew that if I could be happy alone, I could be happy with another.

Changing My Diet

Tip: One way to make progress in your life is be humble. Understand that you are one part of the bigger picture.

In my process of visualizing a better life, I physically altered the kind of foods that I ate. I developed a healthier menu, and started buying foods that were not full of sugars, fats and unhealthy ingredients. I started eating right, of at least three square meals a day, filled in with healthy nutritional snacks in between. I started losing weight and feeling much better about myself. I seemed to have more energy than when I was simply just at home depressed.

Incorporating Exercise

Tip: Your personal development will be more successful if you take proper care of your body. You can keep your energy level up with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and getting a good night's sleep.

I started exercising routinely. I do not mean that I just went for a walk every now and then; I mean that I was working out 25 to 35 minutes every day. At first it was a struggle, where my body resisted greatly. But soon I was enjoying the workout, and saw my body transforming in front of my eyes. I am now highly addicted to working out every day and look forward to the process, sweat and results.

Going to Bed on Time

Tip: Instead of focusing on your own achievements, ask others about theirs. You'll be able to find out about the wonderful things the people you know have accomplished, bringing about a new-found respect and admiration for them.

I recognized that one of the most negative impacts on my life while I was completely depressed was that I never slept. I soon realized that if I got better sleep I would be more rested, and have more energy. I set a time every night that I would make sure I was in bed ñ 10:00 PM ñ and was adamant about being under the covers on time. I have always slept in until 6:30 AM, and am now getting 8 Ω hours of high quality sleep every night.

Just taking the initiative, and being forceful about using personal development tools, has made a significant transformation in my life. I am no longer under the delusion that my life will never be better. I feel better, know I am healthier, and feeling much happier every day.

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