Knowhow-Now Article

Simple And Easy Ways To Live A Greener Lifestyle At Home

For many years, being green and living an environmentally-friendly lifestyle was an idea that was out of the mainstream. Now; however, more and more people are realizing that sustainability is important. Not only will you be helping the environment, but you will be helping yourself as well by saving money and using fewer resources. Keep reading for some easy ways you can start being greener today.

If you still have traditional incandescent bulbs in your home, switch them out and replace them with bulbs that use less energy. Compact fluorescent bulbs are widely available now, and they do not cost much more than incandescent bulbs. They use much less energy and last for a lot longer. LEDs are also becoming more affordable. They last even longer than compact fluorescent bulbs. Some studies have found that LEDs can last for more than a decade.

Tip: Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer. You will find yourself shaving 75 percent off of the amount of electricity used for computer usage, especially if you go on the internet often.

Every day, Americans throw away huge amounts of food and organic waste. Instead of just pitching this into the trash or putting it down the disposal, start a compost bin instead. Save your kitchen scraps, such as apple peels, potato skins, and other organic matter, and take it out back to the compost bin. You can produce organic compost that makes great fertilizer for your garden while reducing the amount of trash you send to the landfill.

If you feel ambitious, try looking into installing solar panels on your home. Not all climates are suitable for solar, so you will need to see how feasible it is in your area. While the initial expense may seem like too much, solar panels will end up paying for themselves in reduced energy costs over the next few years. There are also grants available from the federal government that can help to offset some of the cost of installation. Your local government may also offer grants. If you produce enough energy, you can even sell some of it back to your local energy company.

Tip: If you are a business owner, you are aware of the costs a business incurs just for the electricity it uses. Try replacing electricity with solar energy.

A clothes line is a simple, easy way to reduce the amount of energy that you use at home. Instead of using electricity or natural gas to dry your clothes, take advantage of the free energy produced by the Sun. Take a basket of laundry outside and hang it up to dry in the sunshine. You can enjoy the fresh smell of sun-dried clothes and feel good about yourself for using less energy.

Many people enjoy gardening, so growing your own organic fruit and vegetables is a great way to help the Earth while enjoying delicious produce. Use the compost from your compost bin to make your soil healthier and more productive. If you have just a small amount of space, you can just grow a few tomatoes and herbs. If you have a larger yard, you may be able to supply most of your vegetables from your very own garden.

After reading this article, you can see just how easy it can be to live a greener, healthier lifestyle. Being more sustainable at home does not have to mean making many sacrifices and giving up the things you love. You can still enjoy life and live comfortably while helping to protect the Earth and preserve its resources for future generations.

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