Knowhow-Now Article

Simple Recipes For The Best Smoothies

The best smoothies are those that can boast of fantastic flavor, good nutrition and ease of preparation. Basically, smoothies are supposed to be gustatory treats regardless of what purpose they serve. It is up to the person preparing the smoothie to put in ingredients that fulfill his or her specific purpose while at the same time making sure that the concoction is pleasing to the palate.

Some health buffs will create smoothies made of egg, protein powder and what-have-you to build resistance and muscle density but some of the resulting mixtures are so unpleasant only the extremely devout are able to keep taking them faithfully. Some wellness advocates will invent smoothies that are so foul-tasting only those who are desperately in need of a cure are able to tolerate them. This is not how a smoothie should be.

These recipes for some of the best smoothies are simple, easy to make and delicious. Moreover, they are flexible enough to allow the addition of protein powder or vegetables or juices that will redefine their purpose if it is anything other than just enjoying a truly nice beverage.

Grape and Blueberry Based Smoothies

Grape juice and blueberries are so strongly flavored they can hide a multitude of not-too-appetizing supplements if these must be added. This is where stuff like protein powder would hardly be noticeable. Some vegetables can also be added to this mixture although, in the interest of aesthetics, you should stick to vegetables that will not detract from the attractiveness of your smoothie. A welcome vegetable addition would be half a cup of boiled beets.


• 1 1/2 cups blueberries
• 1 cup grape juice
• 1 cup nonfat plain yogurt or silken tofu
• 1/2 cup sliced banana
• 3 tablespoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

Strawberry Based Smoothies

Strawberries always make delicious smoothies and they are rather strongly flavored as well. You can use this smoothie as a base then add your veggies or supplements, again taking care to preserve the attractive color of the mixture by not adding anything that would make its colors murky. Vitamins and minerals can be added to this smoothie.


• 1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries
• 1/2 cup cranberries
• 1 cup nonfat plain yogurt or silken tofu
• 1/2 cup sliced banana
• 1/2 cup strawberry juice
• 1 tablespoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
• 1/3 cup crushed ice

Mango Based Smoothies

One of the best smoothies that you can create with a sunny, tropical flair is a mango smoothie. This lends itself quite well to the addition of protein powder as long as the amount is not excessive.


• 2 cups ripe mangoes, in small chunks
• 1/2 cup crushed pineapple
• 1 cup pineapple juice
• 1/2 cup sliced banana
• 1 tablespoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon lemon extract

Vanilla and Cheese Based Smoothies

Vanilla and cheese based smoothies can also absorb protein powders without trouble again, as long as the addition is not excessive. This smoothie can be topped with a teaspoon of either canned blueberry or cranberry and sprinkled with Graham crushed cracker crumbs. The addition of these last two ingredients would make the smoothie reminiscent of a cheesecake.


• 1 cup nonfat plain yogurt or silken tofu
• 1 cup low-fat milk
• 1/2 cup sliced banana
• 1/2 cup cream cheese or cottage cheese
• 1 tablespoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
• 3 teaspoons canned cranberry or blueberry
• 2 Graham crackers, crushed

The Basic Procedure:

In preparing any of these smoothies, all you really have to do is put everything into a blender and turn on your machine. However, to make the process go more smoothly, you might want to put half of the liquid into the blender first before adding the solids. If your fruits are fibrous, remember to chop them fine so they don’t stick to your blender blades. Lastly, if you are going to add powders, dissolve them first in a bowl, using some of the liquid that will go into your recipe.

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