Knowhow-Now Article

Simple Tips For Living A Greener Lifestyle

More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of practicing a more sustainable lifestyle and using fewer natural resources. By "going green," you can help preserve these precious resources for future generations and reduce the damage to the environment. It can be surprisingly easy to start living a greener lifestyle right away. The following tips will show you what you need to do to get started.

Many people leave their computers running twenty-four hours a day. However, even if you put your computer to sleep when you are not using it, it will still be drawing power. Over the course of a year, this can add up to quite a lot of wasted energy. Instead of leaving your PC on all the time, shut it down and turn it off when you are done for the day. You may have to wait a bit longer to get started in the morning, but the energy savings are worth it.

Tip: You can either make a small change or a huge change to live a greener life. When you take the time out to do a few projects around the house yourself to live in a more green environment you can save a lot of money.

An increasing number of utility companies are offering their customers the opportunity to purchase energy produced from green, renewable sources, such as wind, solar, or water power. See if your local energy company makes this option available to you. The cost of these alternatives is rapidly becoming competitive with fossil fuels, so making the switch will probably not increase your energy bills much at all.

In the winter, instead of cranking the thermostat up and wearing short sleeves in the house, turn it down a few degrees and wear layers and sweaters. You can still be comfortable by doing so, and you will save quite a lot on your heating bills. You can do the same in the summer by turning your air conditioning up a few degrees as well. Use ceiling fans and window fans to stay cool, instead of always running the air conditioner first.

Tip: A good energy saving tip for people who do a lot of cooking is to keep lids on your pans and pots. This keeps the heat in the pan and allows you to cook at a lower stove setting, saving lots of energy.

When you are washing clothes in the washing machine, use cold water for both washing and rinsing. Your clothes will get just as clean as they do in warm or hot water, and you will save energy by not needing to heat the water first. If you are in the market for a new washer, look for a front-loading model, rather than a top-loading machine. Front-loading machines use much less water than top-loading ones.

Everyone has to pay bills each month, but the days of writing paper checks and mailing envelopes are over. You do not have to laboriously write out a check and put it in an envelope. Virtually every bill can be paid online with just a few clicks of your mouse. Not only is doing so more convenient and reliable than paying by mail, but it saves resources as well. If you have not done so already, make the switch to paperless bills and pay them online.

As you can see, making the transition to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle does not have to be difficult or require great sacrifices. By just making a few minor alterations to your lifestyle, you can start reducing the amount of energy and resources that you use every day. Keep looking for more great ways to be green!

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