Knowhow-Now Article

When it comes to marketing, take note that even the most ordinary, let alone one of the oldest, marketing methods can find its niche in an industrialized country such as Singapore.


To start with, let’s first understand why Singapore has attracted the attention of businesses that even professional telemarketing services are being hired to make or seal deals.


First, Singapore is, without doubt, one of the most economically advanced countries in Southeast Asia. It has one of the busiest ports in the world, a bustling business and service sector, a large manufacturing industry, a large number of skilled workers, as well as very lively market. With an economy that heavily relies on cheap raw material imports in order to export premium finished products, any foreign exporter would be enticed to try this country. What else can any enterprising businessman ask for, then? Probably the names of companies that he can do business with. Now here’s where the problem kicks in.


To begin with, Singapore is a country with a diverse cultural background. From clothing to cuisine, one can see the different people that had colored the landscape of this land. One could see Indians lounging in sidewalk cafes, enjoying a chat with a Chinese colleague. Or there is this English expatriate trying out the latest offers of a Japanese chef in one of Singapore’s top restaurants. It also won’t come as a surprise to see Filipino women belting out American songs in the park during the week-ends. These are just some examples of the diversity Singapore has that may cause a headache for the first-time foreign investor. Even so, the prospect of getting promising marketing leads is too high to be disregarded; so many companies are taking the risk. In any case, they can rely on professional telemarketers to succeed.


Experience says that the use of telemarketers for lead generation or appointment setting can be a very good way to get prospects to listen to the client’s offer. Oftentimes, client companies rely on telemarketing firms since these have the experience, skills, and the technology, to get in touch with prospects. Lead generation services are best done by professional telemarketers, just the same way that appointment setting services are reliant on the call handling of telemarketing services. They usually speak the same language as the prospects, and often see eye-to-eye culturally, so there is very little barrier between the two. Foreign companies might be interested in taking advantage of that since this saves them the trouble of hiring cultural experts just to train their in-house telemarketers.


Singapore, as an economy, offers the best in business and trade. Such potentials should not be overlooked by entrepreneurs, since a successful partnership between them could mean huge profits on both sides. The key here is looking for the right kind of local company to do business with, as well as the right kind of people who will initiate contact. This is precisely where telemarketing services come in. There are lots of telemarketers in the world today, all offering the same kind of service at competitive prices. All that is needed is for an interested company to be careful and wise in hiring who. It would be a good idea to look for the professional telemarketing firm recognized by various government agencies, has a track record of excellent lead generation and appointment setting performance, recognized by numerous telemarketing associations, and trusted by many large companies.


There are only a few companies like that. So it pays to look carefully for the right one. Who knows, maybe the telemarketing company one needs is just around the corner.

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