Knowhow-Now Article

Smart Ways To Live Frugal

Who can't use a few ways to save these days? Check out the following ways to improve your financial situation now.

Tip: Several people have difficulty meeting someone worthwhile to date. Have you considered online dating? Forty percent of people find their partner online nowadays.

1. Never buy a brand new car. Depreciation is outrageous and you're virtually guaranteed to not get your money back on a new vehicle, so search classifieds until you find something that suits your needs that is only gently used.

Tip: Sexual capital is an important new trait undergoing research. This is about gaining confidence about your looks, not about using your body as a tool.

2. Cut coupons or use apps for saving on groceries and more. Manufacturers and retailers are foaming at the mouth for your business, so take advantage of their incentives. You could save the old fashioned way by clipping Sunday coupons or go online and look for codes you can enter or scan into your smartphone.

Tip: Avoiding decisions means missing opportunities in the arena of personal development. Do not fear decisions that need to be made, even if you do not have all of the information that you need to be sure of the decision.

3. Don't pounce on the latest technology. With the introduction of any new gadget comes a hefty price tag; exercise some self-control and wait for the cost to come down a little bit. It usually doesn't take long and you can also avoid some of the hardships that come with being the first to test-drive new products.

Tip: Don't go nuts and overreact when it's not necessary. You'll get stressed out in no time.

4. Skip the extended warranties. Many of these are unnecessary and serve no purpose other than to talk you out of more money. If an item doesn't come with a free warranty and you're going to spend a lot for it, look somewhere else to buy it. If you're not sure, check with online experts or consumer reviews.

Tip: Read literature that is focused on personal development. The best personal development books can give you new ideas and advice that could change your life forever.

5. Keep track of your money. Suzie Ormon always says "If you take care of your money, your money will take care of you!" This means that you need to put in the time to balance your budget, know where your money goes and look at every penny like it matters. Don't leave bunches of bills in your pocket or loose change on the floor of your car: take care of it.

Tip: Whatever you need, and whatever you decide to do about it, you must at least do one thing. You must live life to the fullest, and avoid being a spectator who watches the world go by.

6. Switch your cell phone plan for serious savings. Most consumers become complacent and stop searching for better rates when they get comfortable with their phone and provider. But most providers gradually increase your rates for everything as time goes on. Keep switching to the "introductory" offers and you end up paying great rates all of the time.

Tip: Taking some small risks can help you stay happy. A lot of people find themselves stuck in their comfort zone, because they do not dare take risks and fear rejection.

7. Do not accept banking fees as a fact of life. Many credit unions won't charge you a dime to use their services, and the customer service is often far superior to that of the major financial institutions. Refuse to pay fees for simple things that we've been doing for years and save hundreds per year.

Tip: Exercising, and taking care of your physical self are important aspects of the personal development process. Exercise regularly, get adequate sleep every night and enjoy a healthy diet to help you continue your personal growth.

8. Always read the fine print. Credit cards and store financing may have a lot of appeal at first glance, but a closer look will reveal all kinds of hidden fees and outrageous interest. Particularly the so-called reward cards force you to comply with a million stipulations before ever paying you back a cent. Examine all offers carefully and sleep on it before signing up.

Tip: In order to grow as a person, you must accept change and learn how to thrive with it. You can only change and grow when you openly welcome the changes and choose to evolve.

9. Live green to save green. Recycling things around your home can really cut costs, as can creating a more efficient home when it comes to energy use. Learn to eliminate waste and save the planet's resources and just watch the savings add up.

Once savings becomes a habit, you'll kick yourself for having wasted so much money! Use these ideas to save big and put yourself on solid financial ground.

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