Knowhow-Now Article

Smoking Is A Health Hazard Quit The Habit With Natural Remedies

Nicotine is a drug that is contained in cigarettes. It is a very addictive drug that causes the smoker to have a difficult time quitting the habit when they decide they want to. Did you know that smoking is more addictive than the cocaine habit? The nicotine addiction happens quickly and once hooked it is very difficult to stop due to the symptoms of withdrawal that include being frustrated, feeling anxious, anger, and also a lack of concentration, increased appetite, headaches, a higher than normal blood pressure and a constant craving for a smoke.

Cigarette smoking allows individuals to feel like they are part of a group, that they belong, or that they are cool. Smoking can also give an individual a false sense of calmness, and can also be used to get through stressful times. In order to have that same social need filled you can start a quit smoking group so that you can feel part of another group.

If you really want to kick this nicotine habit, by stopping the cigarette habit you can use herbs to clean the nicotine from your body and to reduce the cravings for nicotine.

In order to stop smoking use natural remedies you can take 200 mg. of coenzyme Q10 twice a day. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects the lungs, and heart and also increases the oxygen to the brain. You can also take grape seed extract to repair the damage done to your lungs by cigarette smoking. One thing that your body really needs immediately is 5,000 to 20,000 mg. of vitamin C a day because smoking breaks down vitamin C in your system so your system was being deprived of vitamin C while you were smoking. Smoking also caused cell damage. You can repair this damage by taking vitamin E and vitamin A helps to repair the mucus membranes, which are also damaged by cigarette smoke. To help calm the nicotine cravings use cayenne to desensitize the respiratory linings to tobacco and chemical irritants contained in the smoke. Cayenne is also an antioxidant that stabilizes your lung membranes and helps to prevent further damage. Your cigarette cravings are also reduced by the warm peppery taste of cayenne. If you are experiencing nausea take ginger and lobelia. Ginger also makes you perspire and perspiration helps to shed toxins from your body that enter your body through the smoke from cigarettes. The lobelia helps with the withdrawal symptoms including the irritability, hunger, and poor concentration. Eating foods that contain oats also helps to reduce cravings for a cigarette.

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