Knowhow-Now Article

Stenciling Made Easy With Stencil Ink Spray

Up and down, left and right brush strokes can be quite repetitive come time, even for what should be an elegant craft like stenciling. Stenciling, after all, uses cutouts as design guides, and the application of paint is merely a secondary phase of the process, compared to conventional painting, for example, where the actual painting is the centerpiece of the activity. As such, more and more people are resorting to stencil ink spray to finish their stenciling assignments, and to experience the realization of their ideas from thoughts to form.
Stencil ink sprays are also more advisable for harder to paint surfaces, like canvases on walls, floors, ceilings, and the likes where the material used are not as paint-retentive as cloth or paper. This is because stencil ink sprays dry quickly. In a matter of 10 minutes or less, the ink will dry up, ready for any overlaying paint application (though 2 hours is recommended to make sure that no undue mixtures would transpire). It's also perfect for porous surfaces where normal brush strokes would prove ineffective.
Additionally, this kind of ink produces sharper colors, owing to the fact that the process ensures granulated application instead of the usual strokes which can result in uneven surfaces. The result is a cleaner looking, brighter piece bursting with vivid colors.
Not all stencil pieces require such, however, as there are some designs that look better with the traditional paint application, especially those designs that encourage the mixture of hues and tones. But for designs that demand attention-grabbing vibrancy, stencil spray is the way to go.
The problem with traditional brush strokes is the fact that sometimes, the paint bleeds underneath the stencils. This results in ruined pieces which are quite difficult to correct. Spraying the ink would ensure that no such bleeding occurs, as paint won't have the chance to drip under the said cutouts.
Additionally, what makes stencil ink sprays perfect for outdoor projects is the fact that they're waterproof. The work won't get damaged by rain or accidental watering. The paint is more or less permanent, and won't chip off because despite contact with water. Stencil ink is likewise fade resistant.
Some ink sprays are disposable. You have to buy a new can once the content has been used up. Other sprays, however, are refillable with ink cans that can be bought per quart or per gallon. This is a matter of preference and of budget.

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