Knowhow-Now Article

A Few Basic Strategies To Help You Achieve Work Stress Relief

People spend a huge percentage of their time at work. Forty hours of work per week can be truly stressful, especially if you work in an environment where pressure is really tough. A small amount of pressure can drive good performance, though. However, if constant pressure leaves you feeling depressed, frustrated, moody, helpless, and completely tired, you may already be suffering from work stress. If you're one of the many workers who wish to recover from stress, here are some very simple strategies that can help you achieve work stress relief.

> When faced with a stressful situation, take some slow, deep breaths. Is your boss calling you again to review a pile of papers? Before you even go into his office, respond, and dump the papers at him, make one deep cycle of breath and consciously make an effort not to feel angry.

> If you can no longer stand the pace in the office because of the excessive workload that your boss gives you, learn how to get good at saying "no" to new tasks. Have you already tried saying "no" tactfully? Your boss might not even be aware that he's causing you too much stress already. Simply expressing your feelings can give you work stress relief.

> Go get a short break and breathe some fresh air if you're nearing burnout. Go to the balcony, drink a glass of water, and have a nutritious snack. You owe it to yourself to get work stress relief if you think you've reached your limit.

> The people around you can be one of two things: the source of stress, or the reliever of stress. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by your work responsibilities, go to a friend to whom you can rant. According to some studies, a person who has a close friend at the office is more satisfied with his job by 50 percent.

If the demands of your job have already made significant impact on your physical, mental, or emotional health, the above mentioned tips can help you achieve work stress relief. But while your main goal is to get the job done, don't forget that there are simple stress busters that can make life better for you and your company.

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