Knowhow-Now Article

Suggestions For Homeowners To Convert Their Home To Solar Power

Homeowners are becoming frustrated with the rising costs of traditional power when they hear on their local news about the profits these companies are generating. For that reason, many individuals are converting their homes to solar power. While many choose to have professional installations, others with sound abilities do so themselves as home improvement projects. Converting the home to this form of energy is not a simple task for do it yourselfer's but it can be done and this article will offer some suggestions as to what you need to consider when deciding to undertake this task.

Tip: There are two types of photo-voltaic panels. The less expensive types are the poly-crystalline panels, but they also are less effective than the mono-crystalline panels.

The first thing you need to know is how many panels you will be required to use to deliver enough energy to your home. This can be accomplished by calling the power company and asking for a total use average including the peak total or the most used at a certain point.. From here you will shop around for panels that can deliver more than your peak use, ensuring the average usage will be covered as well as the tough months, like summertime. The key to remember is that it will take some time to recoup your initial costs and you do not want to go much larger than your peak usage. You want some room for an additional electrical component but it isn't necessary to purchase a full 4 x 8 panel that isn't being used simply to have more than needed as you will never make your money back in energy savings.

Tip: Regular maintenance ensures that your solar-powered additions function properly. You need to perform monthly equipment inspections and clean the panels well.

You need to research the best place to put the panel to ensure full function and energy storage. They need to be in constant sun throughout the day, excluding a bad weather day here and there. Many people place them on the roof of their home which will require a few calculations to decide if the roof has room and can support the weight. You also have to maintain these more frequently than those placed on the ground. Despite an installers claim that you will not have issues, leakage into the home from rain will occur over time as the weather stripping and caulk that surrounds the system wears, Warranties are nice but they are for after damage occurs and these substances simply wear in the elements. Those placed on the ground are easier to maintain but have to be placed in the right location to gather sunlight. This may lead to additional costs as it is possible the unit will be a short distance from the home thus more costly to run as additional materials will be needed.

Tip: Heating water with a solar-powered heater can help save the environment. You have many options, such as tank-free models and solar-powered water tanks for heating your water.

Make a plan and stick to it to ensure success. There is a proper way to install these systems and you cannot jump back and forth leaving several areas of the installation incomplete as you move to another. The old saying A+B=C rings true and you should follow directions precisely and complete the job as it should be done.

Tip: If you are thinking about leasing solar panels, be sure that your contract allows you to transfer the lease. This is most important when it comes time to sell your house, as you could be saddled with the cost of a solar energy system you are not able to use.

Where solar power is concerned, stick to a budget. As mentioned earlier, the initial costs are expensive and it could take a year or two to recoup your costs, including any tax incentives that the federal and local governments may pass your way.

If you keep these tips in mind before starting your solar energy home conversion, you will be able to complete the task with little in the way of issues. Follow the instructions precisely and be aware for costs. The goal is to save money and help the environment, neither of which will happen if the budget and directions are not held in high priority.

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