Knowhow-Now Article

Teeth Whitener: Why Bleaching Does Not Always Work On Your Teeth

Bleaching is not always the most effective way to whiten your teeth and a lot of people who have been applying teeth whiteners may have noticed that despite several applications of teeth whiteners, their teeth remains stained. This is not really so surprising considering the fact that most types of teeth whitener do not work well with tooth-colored fillings and bonding. If you have some tooth fillings especially around your front teeth, there is a big possibility that these fillings will remain stained no matter how much bleaching you do. The worst part of it is that while the rest of your natural teeth may react positively to bleaching, the filling will remain stained and that stain will stand out like a sore thumb. The result, you get uneven colored teeth that look really bad.

Side Effects Of Teeth Whiteners

Tip: Strawberries are high in malic acid and can be combined with baking soda to create a quick home remedy for teeth whitening. Oranges and strawberries, for instance, have natural whitening properties.

Uneven teeth color is not the only problem that you will have to deal with if your teeth whitener does not work as it should. A lot of people suffer from gum irritation and teeth sensitivity after bleaching. Gum irritation can range from stinging to swelling depending on the kind of teeth whitener that you use. If you use a strongly formulated teeth whitener, expect to have more side effects. On the other hand, if you use one of those mild toothpastes with teeth whitener, you may have less or no side effects at all. However, the drawback here is that mild teeth whiteners usually have very minimal effects on your teeth. In most cases, toothpastes with teeth whiteners can only help your teeth look one to two shades lighter and that is usually not good enough.

Will applying extra whitener do your teeth some good? Unfortunately, applying extra helpings of whitener will not make your teeth whiter. In fact, too much bleaching can damage your teeth and give it that bluish hue.

Getting Back Your Pearly Whites

Fortunately, you need not live with uneven teeth coloring or bleaching side effects for long. If over the counter whitener does not work well for you, you can always go to your dentist and get the best teeth whitener. There are a number of in-office treatments that can make your teeth look really pretty and the good thing about these treatments is that they can be done in less than an hour. Yes, your dentist can make your teeth look really nice in just a short time so if you want to have that picture perfect smile, go to your dentist and have those teeth cleaned out.

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